Instructions Yamaha, Modèle SU10
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Techno 2 CS30-3 CS30-4 CS30-5 CS30-6 CS30-7 Automatic vending machine Machine gun ~ Sound effects 5 Byonggg 1 © Hip-hop loops 1 Aerosol Weird TCan openers, aerosol cans UBaseball VSports 1 (purchasing) Can opener (electric) Aerosol can (shaving cream) Aerosol can (whipped cream) Balloon (blowing up) Balloon (deflating) Baseball (batting) Baseball (catching) Football Soccer jCannons kExplosions lCar crashes, glass breaking mFire, firecrackers Artillery Cannon Explosion 1 Explosion 2 Car crash 1 Car crash 2 Glass breaking 1 Glass breaking 2 Fire (fireplace) Fire (forest fire) Firecrackers (“byonggg”) Byonggg 2 Byonggg 3 Byonggg 4 . Sound effects 6 Whistle 1 (whistles) Whistle 2 Swoosh-thud Siren whistle Descending Ascending . Sound effects 7 Glockenspiel (glockenspiel, bicycle horn) Bicycle horn Drum loops 1 Drum Loop 1 . Hip-hop loops 2 . Hip-hop loops 3 µ Hip-hop loops 4 . Hip-hop loops 5 Bellgroove 1 (fat) Bellgroove 2 (thin) Dirty 1 Dirty 2 Noisy Pavement Beat Jangly 1 Jangly 2 (kick) Jangly 3 (hard) Heavy 1 (sub) Heavy 2 (twist) Football nTearing Tearing cloth (136 BPM) . Hip-hop loops 6 QuikDub 1 (Hi) (cheerleader’s horn) Tearing paper Drum Loop 2 QuikDub 2 (Lo) WSports 2 XSports 3 Basketball Volleyball Ice hockey Golf (swing) oPower tools 1 Saw Electric saw Electric drill Electric nailer (136 BPM) Drum Loop 3 (136 BPM) Drum Loop 4 (84 BPM) . Hip-hop loops 7 Ruff 1 Ruff 2 (Kick) Ruff 3 (SnareGate) Golf (putting) Golf (into the hole) Bowling pPower tools 2 Pneumatic hammer Pile driver Chain saw . Drum loops 2 Drum Loop 5 (136 BPM) Drum Loop 6 YSports 4 Tennis qRain, thunder, wind Rain (light rain) (120 BPM) Squash Rain (heavy rain) Drum Loop 7 Badminton Thunder (108 BPM) Ping-Pong Thundershower Drum Loop 8 ZSports 5 Fencing Billiards Wind Wind (storm) . Drum loops 3 (108 BPM) Drum Loop 9 Curling rRivers, waterfalls, River (murmuring) (96 BPM) Archery ocean River (rapids) Drum Loop 10 Darts Waterfall (small) (96 BPM) [ Sports 6 Swimming Swimming (dive in) Skiing \ Automobiles Start engine 1 (engines) Start engine 2 ] Automobiles (horns) Car horn 1 Car horn 2 ` Automobiles (doors) Car door open and shut Power windows open and shut aAutomobiles Windshield wipers sCity shopping tBars uParks, construction sites vTraffic Waterfall (Niagara) Ocean (small waves) Ocean (large waves) City shopping area Cash register Bar (small group) Bar Park Construction site Traffic (light) Traffic (heavy) Drum Loop 11 (74 BPM) Drum Loop 12 (120 BPM) ¤ Metallic percussion loops Percussion Loop 1 Percussion Loop 2 Percussion Loop 3 Percussion Loop 4 . Wood percussion loops Percussion Loop 5 Percussion Loop 6 (wipers, turn signals) Turn signal wRural Rural ¦ Drum percussion loops bAutomobiles (passing) Passing F1 racing cAutomobiles Tire squealing (squeals, brakes) Slam on the brakes xJungle yDripping water zSound effects 1 Jungle Dripping (cave) Dripping (bathroom) Pounding (wood) Percussion Loop 7 Percussion Loop 8 Percussion Loop 9 Percussion Loop 10 Percussion Loop 11 dMotorcycles Motorcycle (start engine) (pounding) Pounding (metal) Percussion Loop 12 Motorcycle (passing) Pounding Motorcycle (racing) (electronic sound) eTrains Train (clickety-clack) { Sound effects 2 Crushing Train (passing) (crushing, slamming) Slam fAirplanes Cessna (passing) Dual propeller (passing) Jet (passing) ...
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