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Instructions Aprilaire, Modèle 1710

Fabricant : Aprilaire
Taille : 94.17 kb
Nom Fichier : 2b360f17-9408-4507-ba9f-7ff536c680a1.pdf

Langue d'enseignement: en

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The dehumidifier measures the condition of the house air to decide when to run. INSTALLER–PLEASENOTE! 1. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE STATE OR LOCAL CODES. 2. A DEDICATED 15 Amp circuit is required for proper operation of the dehumidifier. If a dedicated circuit is not available, use a lightly loaded circuit. Do not use an extension cord. 3. For protection of the compressor, unit must be transported and installed in an upright position. If the unit was shipped or stored on its side, a 24 hour settling period is required before running the unit. 4. Note the dehumidifier is not intended to be used in pool applications. WARNING • 120 volts may cause serious injury from electric shock. • Unit weight and dropping may cause personal injury or equipment damage. Handle with care. SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: Design Airflow: 275 CFM @ 0.6 in. w.c. 20 3/4”Wx24”Lx22 3/16”H Filter: MERV 8 Filter Weight: 93 lbs. Cabinet Insulation: 1” foil faced EPS insulation Capacity: 90 pints per day @ 60%RH, 80°F Inlet Air Operating Conditions: 40°F to 105°F (ANSI/AHAM DH-1-2003 standard conditions) Ambient Air Operation Conditions: 40°F to 150°F Power: 115 VAC, 8 Amps, Unit is equipped with an 8 ft. grounded cord. II.OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS The dehumidifier dryness can be set from “1” or “LESS” to “7” or “MORE” based on desired comfort level. Most installations should be initially set between “3” and “5” or “NORMAL” setting; however this can be adjusted to your individual needs. DRAINLINE The included condensate trap must be installed to the Model 1710. Use PVC cement to connect the trap to the drain outlet on the Model 1710. The drain outlet is located near the On/Off toggle switch. Note orientation of trap prior to cementing. The high side of the trap mates with the Model 1710. Complete the assembly by piping the trap to the drain. The trap must be primed with water prior to start-up. SYSTEMCHECKOUT 1. Rotate the main control knob clockwise to the “TEST” position 2. If all is set up properly, the dehumidifier blower will turn on. The compressor will turn on after the dehumidifier blower has run for 3 minutes, then both the compressor and blower will run for 1 minute. The dehumidifier and compressor will then shut off (“TEST” mode only). 3. If the dehumidifier blower does not activate in TEST mode, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE SYMPTOM TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURE/POSSIBLE REASON Dehumidifier is producing hot air • Reheat of outgoing air will cause a temperature increases across the dehumidifier • Unit will possibly run continuously initially. After unit has “dried” home, dehumidifier will cycle, reducing load Dehumidifier not adequately dehumidifying • Unit will need time to “dry” materials in home before effectively changing RH. • Compressor is not turning on • System undercharged Dehumidifier is not draining properly • Check condensate trap to be sure it is clear • Check drain line for continuous slope Dehumidifier does not run • Follow all of the system checkout procedures. Make sure power switch is on! • Check that circuit breaker is not tripped. The dehumidifier requires a minimum of 8 amps. The dehumidifier should be placed on its own dedicated 15 amp circuit Usethemaincontrolknob(Figure1)ontheoutsideoftheunittosetthedehumidifierdrynesssetting.Startwitha“NORMAL”settingformostinstallations.Movingtheknobclockwiseto“MORE”willmakeconditionsdrier.Movingtheknobtoward“LESS”allowsforhighermoisturelevels. Basedontheindoortemperature,usethefollowingtabletodeterminethecontrolknobsettingtoreachthedesiredRHvalue.Thedehumidifierwillworktoachievethesevalues. FIGURE1%RH(±5%)basedonControlKnobSettingandIndoorTemperatureControlKnobIndoorTemperature(°F) Setting657075801-“LESS”84%71%60% 286%73%61%52% 3-“NORMAL”74%63%53%45% 4-“NORMAL”64%54%45%39% 5-“NORMAL”55%46%39%33% 647%39%33%28% 7-“MORE”40%34%28%24% EXAMPLE:Atanindoortemperatureof75°Fwithadehumidifiercontrolknobsettingof3,thedehumidifierwillworktoachieveanRHvalueof53%. NOTES: 1.%RHvaluesare±5%andaretobeusedasaGUIDEONLYforinitialset-up. 2.IndoorTemperatureismeasuredattheinlettotheModel1710. ADJUSTINGTHEDEHUMIDIFIERSETPOINT III.MAINTENANCE AIR FILTER Under normal circumstances, the filter in the dehumidifier should be cleaned or replaced once a year. A clean filter is necessary to prevent damage to the dehumidifier and allow it to function at full capacity. To remove the filter, first unplug or disconnect power to the dehumidifier, then remove the air filter via the access panel on the side of the dehumidifier. To clean, flush with warm water and detergent solution. After a clean or new filter is reinstalled, replace the access panel and reconnect power to the dehumidifier. The replacement filter for the dehumidifier is Model 4510 and is available from most HVAC contractors in your area or Aprilaire.com DRAIN The drain trap or outlet should be checked and cleaned of debris annually. NOTE: The drain trap needs to be primed with water prior to start-up and af...

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