Fabricant : Elta
Taille : 488.23 kb
Nom Fichier : e4af8fd4-d9f4-dd34-c5fb-e24dfb4632b0.pdf

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Facilité d'utilisation
The machine operates over 3 power settings 400W, 800W, 1200W. • With the T TTU UUR RRN NN button (1 4), automatic rotation will be turned on/off. • With the T TTI IIM MME EER RR button (15), operating time will be set. Press the T TTI IIM MME EER RR button (15) several times to set the time until automatic turn-off. With each press of the button, the turn-off time will increase by half an hour. The time can be set from 0.5 hour to 7.5 hours. The LED lights 0 00. .. 5 55h hh, ,, 1 11h hh, ,, 2 22h hh, ,, 4 44h hh (7, 8, 9, 10) light up according to the set time. The set time is the sum of the times by which the LED lights light up. (ie: LED light 2h (9) and LED light 0.5h (7) light up: 2+0.5h hr = 2.5 hr) • With the button (12), the machine can be turned off. R RRe eem mmo oot tte ee c cco oon nnt ttr rro ool ll • The functions of the buttons on the machine can also be executed with the remote control. The buttons T TTU UUR RRN NN (1 6), T TTI IIM MME EER RR (17), and O OON NN/ // 1 11/ // 2 22/ // 3 33 (18) have the same functions as the corresponding buttons on the machine. • The O OOF FFF FF/ // 0 00 (19) button turns the machine off. C CCL LLE EEA AAN NNI IIN NNG GG A AAN NND DD C CCA AAR RRE EE • Also pay close attention to the safety advice. • Pull out the power plug and wait until the machine has completely cooled down. • Clean the shell with a soft, moist cloth and mild detergent. • Never use corrosive or harsh detergents/utensils. • Store the machine in a place out of the reach of children. GB GBGB T TTE EEC CCH HHN NNI IIC CCA AAL LL D DDA AAT TTA AA Operating power: 230V~ 50Hz Power consumption: 1200 Watt I IIN NNS SST TTR RRU UUC CCT TTI IIO OON NNS SS O OON NN E EEN NNV VVI IIR RRO OON NNM MME EEN NNT TT P PPR RRO OOT TTE EEC CCT TTI IIO OON NN Do not dispose of this product cycle; hand it over at a collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic appliances. The instructions for use or the packing will inform about the methods for disposal. The materials are recyclable as mentioned in its marking. By recycling, material recycling or other forms of re-utilization of old appliances, you are making an important contribution to protect our environment. Please inquire at the community administration for the authorized disposal location. G GGU UUA AAR RRA AAN NNT TTE EEE EE A AAN NND DD C CCU UUS SST TTO OOM MME EER RR S SSE EER RRV VVI IIC CCE EE Before delivery our devices are subjected to rigorous quality control. If, despite all care, damage has occurred during production or transportation, please return the device to your dealer. In addition to statutory legal rights, the purchaser has an option to claim under the terms of the following guarantee: For the purchased device we provide 2 years guarantee, commencing from the day of sale. During this period we will remedy all defects free of charge, which can be demonstrably attributed to material or manufacturing defects, by repair or exchange. Defects which arise due to improper handling of the device and malfunctions due to interventions and repairs by third parties or the fitting of non-original parts, are not covered by this guarantee. elta GmbH Carl-Zeiss-Str. 8 approved 63322 Rodermark 5 6 1 3 2 7 5 4 6 1 3 2 7 5 4 6 F FF M MMO OOD DDE EE D DD’ ’’ E EEM MMP PPL LLO OOI II 9 997 773 335 55N NN1 11N NNF FFB BB L LLU UUM MMI IIE EER RRE EE H HHA AAL LLO OOG GGE EEN NNE EE A AAP PPP PPA AAR RRE EEI IIL LL D DDE EE C CCH HHA AAU UUF FFF FFA AAG GGE EE A AAV VVE EEC CC T TTE EEL LLE EEC CCO OOM MMM MMA AAN NND DDE EE Chere Cliente, cher Client, Avant de brancher votre indispensable, pour d’emploi du materiel, de lire attentivement le present manuel d’utilisation et de en particulier, les consignes de securite. Si cet appareil est cede a des tiers, ne pas oublier de joindre le present C CCO OOM MMP PPO OOS SSA AAN NNT TTS SS 10 1617 89 11 18 19 15 141312 Panneau de commande detail (3) Telecommande 1. Lampe chauffante 12. Bouton 2. Unite principale 13. Bouton O OON NN/ // 1 11/ // 2 22/ // 3 33 3. Panneau de commande 14. Bouton T TTU UUR RRN NN 4. Prise et fil d’alimentation 15. Bouton T TTI IIM MME EER RR 5. Pieds du support 16. Bouton T TTU UUR RRN NN 6. Vis filetees 17. Bouton T TTI IIM MME EER RR 7. Voyant DEL 0 00. .. 5 55 h hh 18. Bouton O OON NN/ // 1 11/ // 2 22/ // 3 33 8. Voyant DEL 1 11h hh 19. Bouton O OOF FFF FF/ // 0 00 9. Voyant DEL 2 22h hh 10 . Voyant DEL 4 44h hh 11. Afficheur stand-by C CCO OON NNS SSI IIG GGN NNE EES SS D DDE EE S SSE EEC CCU UUR RRI IIT TTE EE • Une mauvaise utilisation ou manipulation peut engendrer un dysfonctionnement de l'appareil et blesser l'utilisateur. • Ne pas utiliser l'appareil a des fins autres que celles pour lesquelles il a ete concu. En cas d'utilisation non conforme aux prescriptions ou de mauvaise manipulation, nous declinons toute responsabilite quant aux eventuels dommages. • Avant d'effectuer le branchement, verifier si le type de courant et la tension du reseau correspondent aux...