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-10 Sunnen Drive - P.O. Box 430129 - St. Louis, MO 63143-3800 Dimensions Approximate (A) (B) (C) Tray Weight Model Width Depth Height Size Voltage Wattage Amps NEMA# Installed No. Inches Inches Inches (inches) lbs. Direct Connect(D), (cm) (cm) (cm) W x D x H (kg) Water Reservoir(R) FSFR-208V 23 21.5 9.5 13.75” x 13.75” x 3” 208 3300 15.9 6-20P 48 R (58.4) (54.4) (24.1) (21.8) FSFR-240V 23 21.5 9.5 13.75” x 13.75” x 3” 240 3600 15 6-20P 48 R (58.4) (54.4) (24.1) (21.8) FSFD-208V 23 21.5 9.5 13.75

Features/Benefits: . Star’s front loading Fast Steamers are small and compact and are designed to meet your high volume needs. . Front load opening is 14” and tray size is 13.75” x 13.75”. Unit includes stainless steel removable wire rack. . Two control options available: • Manual control provides on-demand steam with a push of a button. • Electronic control that takes the guess work out of preparing menu items. Electronic control has four separate channels that can be customized to meet your me

A cast aluminum steam generator with cast-in metal sheathed tubular element is standard. Includes a stainless steel tray with a wire rack. Electronic controls have (4) independent programmable steam cycles. Direct connect models have a fluid control valve, rear mounted quick disconnect and water inlet tube assembly. Self contained models have a 96 oz. capacity water tank, tank drain, and supply pump. A lighted on-off switch, an easily actuated high cycle steam shot button, solid feet, 6 foot pow

. Cast aluminum steam generator with cast-in metal sheathed tubular element for instant steam. . Available water reservoir (96 oz. capacity) or direct connect water source. Applications: Star’s front loading Fast Steamers are perfect for restaurants, coffee shops, kiosks, hotels, casinos, delis, snack shops and a variety of other foodservice operations. Star’s steamers are ideal for a variety of products from tortillas, pastas, vegetables, seafood and bakery products. Quality Construction: Star’

While Star Manufacturing exercises good faith efforts to provide information that is accurate, we are not responsible for errors or omissions in information provided or conclusions reached as a result of using the specifications. By using the information provided, the user assumes all risks in connection with such use. S t a r M a n u f a c t u r i n g I n t e r n a t i o n a l , I n c . Dimensions (A) (B) (C) (D) Approx. Closed Open Weight Model Width Depth Height Height Pan Size Voltage Wattag