Facilité d'utilisation
Proper receptacle or outlet configuration orpermanent wiring for this unit must be installedby a licensed electrician in accordance withapplicable local electrical codes. Wire diagrams are included in the literature package supplied with the unit eLeCtRiCAL - HFt2-300 voltage phase cycle/hz amps kW corD & plug 208-240 (agcy) 1 60 13.6 3.3 NEMA 6-15P at 208 1 60 11.8 2.5 15A - 250V Plug at 240 1 60 13.6 3.3 230 1 50 13.0 3.0 cee 7/7, 220-230v plug eLeCtRiCAL - HFt2-400 voltage phase cycle/hz amps kW corD & plug 208-240 (agcy) 1 60 13.7 3.3 NEMA 6-20P at 208 1 60 11.9 2.5 20A - 250V Plug at 240 1 60 13.7 3.3 230 1 50 13.1 3.0 cee 7/7, 220-230v plug eLeCtRiCAL - HFt2-500 voltage phase cycle/hz amps kW corD & plug 208-240 (agcy) 1 60 15.7 3.8 NEMA 6-20P at 208 1 60 13.6 2.8 20A - 250V Plug at 240 1 60 15.7 3.8 230 1 50 15.0 3.5 cee 7/7, 220-230v plug DANGeR eleCtRiCal COnneCtiOnS mUSt be made bY a QUaliFied SeRviCe teCHniCian in aCCORdanCe WitH appliCable eleCtRiCal COdeS. DANGeR enSURe pOWeR SOURCe matCHeS vOltage Stamped On applianCe nameplate. REGARDING INTERNATIONAL STANDARD UNITS: If the unit is not equipped with flexible cord with plug, an all-pole country approved disconnectiondevice which has a contact separation of at least 3mm in all poles must be incorporated in the fixed wiring for disconnection. When using a cordwithout a plug, the green/yellow conductor shallbe connected to the terminal which is marked with the ground symbol. If a plug is used, the socketoutlet must be easily accessible. If the power cordneeds replacement, use a similar one obtainedfrom the distributor. For CE approved units: To prevent an electricalshock hazard between the appliance and otherappliances or metal parts in close vicinity, anequalization-bonding stud is provided. Anequalization bonding lead must be connected tothis stud and the other appliances / metal partsto provide sufficient protection against potentialdifference. The terminal is marked with the following symbol. HFT2 INSTALLATION/OPERATION/SERVICE MANUAL • 9 OP e RA ti ON use R s AF ety i NFOR m A ti ON OP e RA ti ON use R s AF ety i NFOR m A ti ON useR sAFety iNFORmAtiON: This appliance is intended for use in commercialestablishments by qualified personnel who arefamiliar with the purpose, limitations, and associatedhazards of this appliance. Operating instructionsand warnings must be read and understood by alloperators and users. CAutiON metal paRtS OF tHiS eQUipment beCOme eXtRemelY HOt WHen in OpeRatiOn. tO avOid bURnS, alWaYS USe Hand pROteCtiOn WHen OpeRating tHiS applianCe. st AR t u P BeFORe iNitiAL use: Before operating the unit, clean both the interior and exterior of the unit with a damp cloth and mild soap solution. Rinse well. Merchandiser heat plate must be heated to remove surface oils and the accompanying odor produced during the first use of the appliance. Turn ON/OFF toggle switch to ON position. Turn thermostat to the 10 setting. Allow the unit to heat for 30 minutes or until no odor is detected. DANGeR DisCONNeCt uNit FROm POWeR sOuRCe BeFORe CLeANiNG OR seRViCiNG. HFT2 INSTALLATION/OPERATION/SERVICE MANUAL • 10 1. DO NOt ADD WAteR tO HOt WeLL Halo Heat® hot wells maintain a constant and gentle temperature. Adding water is not recommended since water will accelerate the deterioration of the product and may damage the unit voiding the warranty. 2. PLACe PAN DiViDeRs AND emPty PANs iN tHe WeLLs NOte: No matter what type of pan configuration chosen, pan separator bars or divider bars must be used to close all gaps between pans, and all gaps between the pans and the edges of the wells. If these gaps are not closed, heat will escape, heat distribution will be uneven, and uniform temperature will be difficult to maintain. This is a VERY important requirement to follow whenever this appliance is in use. 3. tuRN POWeR sWitCH “ON” Turn toggle switch to “ON” position. Lights will illuminate and hot well will begin to warm. 4. PReHeAt At tHe NumBeR “10” settiNG FOR A miNimum OF 30 miNutes An indicator light will illuminate when the thermostat(s) is (are) turned “ON.” The unit should be preheated at the 10 setting for a minimum of 30 minutes before All pan divider bars required must be utilized at all times with the pan configuration chosen. Before loading food into the unit, use a pocket- type thermometer to make certain all products have reached an internal temperature of 140° to 180°F (60° to 82°C). If any food product is not at proper serving temperature, use a Halo Heat cooking and holding oven, set at 250° to 275°F (121° to 135°C), or a Combitherm oven to bring the product within the correct temperature range. 6. Reset tHeRmOstAt(s) As NeeDeD After all products are loaded into the unit, it is necessary to reset the thermostat(s). Since proper temperature range depends on the type of products and the quantities being held, it is necessary to periodically use a pocket thermometer to check each item to make certain the correct temperatures are being m...
Ce manuel est également adapté pour les modèles :Autres appareils de cuisine - ECOSMART HFT2-400 (2.05 mb)
Autres appareils de cuisine - ECOSMART HFT2-300 (2.05 mb)
Autres appareils de cuisine - ECOSMART HFT2SYS-300 (2.05 mb)
Autres appareils de cuisine - ECOSMART HFT2SYS-400 (2.05 mb)