Facilité d'utilisation
HFT2 INSTALLATION/OPERATION/SERVICE MANUAL • 19 HFT2 INSTALLATION/OPERATION/SERVICE MANUAL • 20. A 2 4 4 3 7 1 1 12 10 8 7 9 6 A 13 5 1 14 service Part numbers and drawings are subject to change without notice. HFT2-400 Base Shown seRViCe seRViCe PARts List - BAse mODeL > HFt2-300 HFt2-400 HFt2-500 item DesCRiPtiON PARt NO. qty PARt NO. qty PARt NO. qty 1 CORD COVER PLATE 1006591 2 1006591 2 1006591 2 2 BASE STAnD TOP PAnEL 1006995 1 1012228 1 1008348 1 3 BASE SUPPORT SPOT 5005235 1 5013540 1 5007460 1 4 BASE STIFFEnER, SPOT 5013483 2 5013541 2 5012923 2 5 T-BLOCK BK-3019 1 BK-3019 1 BK-3019 1 6* CORDSET 208-240V 230V CD-33840 CD-3922 1 1 CD-3588 CD-3922 1 1 CD-3588 CD-3922 1 1 7 CASTER, RIGID 5" (127mm) CS-2025 2 CS-2025 2 CS-2025 2 8 CASTER, SWIVEL 5" (127mm) WITH BRAKE CS-2026 2 CS-2026 2 CS-2026 2 9 PLUG, 7/8" HOLE PG-3559 1 PG-3559 1 PG-3559 1 10 RIVET, BLInD, #44, STnLS RI-2100 72 RI-2100 64 RI-2100 72 11* 3/8-16 x 1-1/2" HEx CAP SC-22553 6 SC-22553 6 SC-22553 6 12 5/16-18 x 5/8" SERR HEx HD SCREW SC-2351 16 SC-2351 16 SC-2351 16 13 6-32 x 1-1/4" ROUnD HD SC-2365 2 SC-2365 2 SC-2365 2 14 8-32 x 1/2" PHIL SCREW SC-2425 8 SC-2425 8 SC-2425 8 15* 3/8" ID 7/8" OD S/S FLAT WASHER WS-23991 6 WS-23991 6 WS-23991 6 *nOT SHOWn CALiBRAtiON CALiBRAtiON PROCeDuRes Every unit is calibrated at the factory. Only a qualified service technician should calibrate the unit in the field if necessary. sHOCk Risk WARNiNG: Unit must be disconnected from power source before making adjustments or calibrating switch. tOOLs RequiReD: 2mm allen (hex) wrench Cable Heating ReplaCement SeRviCe KitS HFt2-300 HFt2-400 HFt2-500 Kit nUmbeR > 4880 4881 4880 SeRviCe Kit inClUdeS: CB-3045 CaBle Heating element 132 ft 144 ft 120 ft CR-3226 Ring ConneCtoR 8 12 8 in-3488 insulation CoRneR 8 ft 8 ft 8 ft Bu-3105 sHouldeR BusHing 8 12 8 Bu-3106 Cup BusHing 8 12 8 sl-3063 insulating sleeve 8 12 8 ta-3540 HigH temp eleCtRiCal tape 1 roll 1 roll 1 roll st-2439 10.32 stud 8 12 8 nu-2215 Hex nut 32 24 32 DANGeR enSURe pOWeR SOURCe matCHeS vOltage Stamped On applianCe nameplate. CAutiON tHiS SeCtiOn iS pROvided FOR tHe aSSiStanCe OF QUaliFied SeRviCe teCHniCianS OnlY and iS nOt intended FOR USe bY UntRained OR UnaUtHORiZed SeRviCe peRSOnnel. HFT2 INSTALLATION/OPERATION/SERVICE MANUAL • 21 HFT2 INSTALLATION/OPERATION/SERVICE MANUAL • 22. HFT2 INSTALLATION/OPERATION/SERVICE MANUAL • 23. TRANSPORTATION DAMAGE and CLAIMS All Alto-Shaam equipment is sold F.O.B. shipping point, and when accepted by the carrier, such shipments become the property of the consignee. Should damage occur in shipment, it is a matter between the carrier and the consignee. In such cases, the carrier is assumed to be responsible for the safe delivery of the merchandise, unless negligence can be established on the part of the shipper. 1. Make an immediate inspection while the equipment is still in the truck or immediately after it is moved to the receiving area. Do not wait until after the material is moved to a storage area. 2. Do not sign a delivery receipt or a freight bill until you have made a proper count and inspection of all merchandise received. 3. Note all damage to packages directly on the carrier’s delivery receipt. 4. Make certain the driver signs this receipt. If he refuses to sign, make a notation of this refusal on the receipt. 5. If the driver refuses to allow inspection, write the following on the delivery receipt: Driver refuses to allow inspection of containers for visible damage. 6. Telephone the carrier’s office immediately upon finding damage, and request an inspection. Mail a written confirmation of the time, date, and the person called. 7. Save any packages and packing material for further inspection by the carrier. 8. Promptly file a written claim with the carrier and attach copies of all supporting paperwork. We will continue our policy of assisting our customers in collecting claims which have been properly filed and actively pursued. We cannot, however, file any damage claims for you, assume the responsibility of any claims, or accept deductions in paymentfor such claims. LIMITED WARRANTY Alto-Shaam, Inc. warrants to the original purchaser only that any original part that is found to be defective in material or workmanship will, at Alto-Shaam's option, subject to provisions hereinafter stated, be replaced with a new or rebuilt part. The parts warranty period is as follows: For the refrigeration compressor on Alto-Shaam Quickchillers™, five (5) years from the date of installation. For the heating element on Halo Heat® cooking and holding ovens, as long as the original purchaser owns the oven. This excludes holding only equipment. For all other parts, one (1) year from the date of installation or fifteen (15) months from the shipping date, whichever occurs first. The labor warranty period is one (1) year from the date of installation or fifteen (15) months from the shipping date, whichever occurs first. Alto-Shaam will bear normal labor charges performed d...
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