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Catégorie : Les machines à rectifier

Repuesto Bolsa para polvo DG027900AV 1 Garantia Limitada DURACION: A partir de la fecha de compra por el comprador original tal como se especifica a continuacion: Un ano 2. QUIEN OTORGA ESTA GARANTIA (EL GARANTE: Campbell Hausfeld / The Scott Fetzer Company 100 Production Drive, Harrison, Ohio 45030 Telefono: (800) 543-6400 3. QUIEN RECIBE ESTA GARANTIA (EL COMPRADOR): El comprador original (que no sea un revendedor) del producto Campbell Hausfeld. 4. PRODUCTOS CUBIERTOS POR ESTA GARANTIA: Cualq

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Catégorie : Les machines à rectifier

tional starting. Ensure the switch is in el rango de la rectificadora, es decir, in a risk of fire and electric shock. If the off-position before connecting to el disco debe tener un rango limpiarse con un pano humedo. ELECTRICAL SAFETY NUNCA use solventes para limpiar an extension cord must be used, power source and/or battery pack, pick- superior a las 11.000 RPM. No use Mantenga la proteccion de seguridad piezas de plastico. Podrian make sure: ing up or carrying the tool. Carrying un disco co

Téléchargements : 3   Taille : 561 kb   Fabricant : Campbell Hausfeld  
Catégorie : Les machines à rectifier

Please read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described. Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or property damage! Retain instructions for future reference. BUILT TO LAST Detail Sander Description Detail sanders are designed for uniform sanding and polishing in corners and tight spaces. Ideal for flush sanding along e

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Catégorie : Les machines à rectifier

3. El lijado se debe realizar de un modo que reduzca el traslado del polvo de pintura fuera del area de trabajo. C. LIMPIEZA Y DESECHO 1. Todas las superficies del area de trabajo deben aspirarse y limpiarse por completo a diario durante el proyecto de lijado. Las bolsas de filtro de la aspiradora deben cambiarse con frecuencia. 2. Los panos cobertores de plastico deben juntarse y desecharse con todos los restos de polvo y demas residuos. Deben colocarse en receptaculos sellados para basura y de

Téléchargements : 2   Taille : 686 kb   Fabricant : Campbell Hausfeld  
Catégorie : Les machines à rectifier

Technical Service For information regarding the operation or repair of this product, please call 1-800-543-6400. Figure 6 - Model AT121002 Figure 7 - Model AT121102 Protruding Hub Attach Air Hose Material Hose Hose Connector Conduit Nut Wheel Cap Do not cover this hole when dry blasting Operating Instructions Type of abrasive (Sieve/Size) application Sand (20-40) General purpose use Removing light rust and paint from metal, wood or other . surfaces; wood finishing; metal cleaning; glass and ston

Téléchargements : 5   Taille : 1 mb   Fabricant : Campbell Hausfeld  
Catégorie : Les machines à rectifier

No oil in tool 2. Lubricate the tool according to the lubrication instructions in this manual 3. Low air pressure 3a. Adjust the regulator on the tool to the maximum setting (If applicable) 3b. Adjust the compressor regulator to tool maximum while the tool is running free 4. Air hose leaks 4. Tighten and seal hose fittings if leaks are found 5. Pressure drops 5a. Be sure the hose is the proper size. Long hoses or tools using large volumes of air may require a hose with an I.D. of 1/2” or larger

Téléchargements : 5   Taille : 1 mb   Fabricant : Campbell Hausfeld  
Catégorie : Les machines à rectifier

Stop using any tool if discomfort, numbness, tingling, or pain occur, and consult a physician. Operation LUbrICaTIOn Proper lubrication is the owner’s responsibility. Failure to lubricate the air tool properly will dramatically shorten the life of the tool and will void the warranty. REMINDER: Keep your dated proof of purchase for warranty purposes! Attach it to this manual or file it for safekeeping. © 2010 Campbell Hausfeld/Scott Fetzer For parts, product & service information IN241203AV 2/10

Téléchargements : 4   Taille : 1 mb   Fabricant : Campbell Hausfeld  
Catégorie : Les machines à rectifier

2. Place the resin disc in front of the appropriate size pad and push the adapter lock down through the center of the pad and discs. 3. Hand tighten the adapter lockdown, then insert the holding tool into the hole shown in Figure 2. Insert a large screwdriver into the slotted hole on the adapter lock down and securely tighten. DUaL aCTIOn SanDerS Begin sanding with an abrasive grit coarse enough to remove the high spots and any excessive roughness. Follow with a second sandpaper using a grit one

Téléchargements : 2   Taille : 1 mb   Fabricant : Campbell Hausfeld  
Catégorie : Les machines à rectifier

SPeeD aDjUSTmenT This sander is equipped with a regulator for speed adjustment (See Replacement Parts List for Specifications). aTTaCHInG SanDInG PaD/DUaL aCTIOn SanDerS Adhesive backed discs are recommended. To apply the sandpaper, align outside edge and press self adhesive paper onto the pad. Change sandpaper as needed. Disconnect the air tool from the air supply before attaching the sanding pad. Do not operate the sander if sanding pad is not securely tightened. Always replace a worn or damag

Téléchargements : 9   Taille : 1 mb   Fabricant : Campbell Hausfeld  
Catégorie : Les machines à rectifier

1. Lire attentivement tous les manuels, y compris celui de ce produit. Bien se familiariser avec les commandes et l’utilisation correcte de l’equipement. 2. Seules les personnes bien familiarisees avec ces regles d’utilisation en toute securite doivent etre autorisees a se servir de l’outil pneumatique. Ne MANUEL pas depasser la pression maximum de service de l’outil pneumatique (621 kPa-90PSI). Ceci peut diminuer la duree de l’outil. 3. Ne pas depasser la pression nominale de n’importe quel ele
