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Instructions Panasonic, Modèle CT27SF26A

Fabricant : Panasonic
Taille : 1.27 mb
Nom Fichier : CT27SF26.PDF

Langue d'enseignement: enes

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Select NO to turn off time. TIMER CLOCK SET BSUEEPJ HOW LONG? 30 TIMER 2 Timer 1 and Timer 2 In TIMER menu, select one or both timers to turn the television on and off at selected times, on selected channels, and on selected days. Note: TIME must be entered in CLOCK SET to operate TIMER features. CLOCK SET 5TIMERt2BMnL-»» DAY ON TIME OFF TIME ENTER CHANNEL S ETATTMEIETHST3 SAT The TV automatically turns OFF after 90 minutes when turned on by the TIMER. If the OFF time is selected or if a key Is pressed, the automatic OFF after 90 minutes will be cancelled. —Çy— TIMER Activation The TIMER is active when the TV is OFF or ON. The TV will switch to the selected channel at the selected time set in the TIMER. 13 Special Features PICTURE Other Adjustments In Picture menu under OTHER ADJ. select: □ COLOR TEMP to increase and decrease WARM (red) and COOL (blue) colors to suit personal preferences. □ AUTO COLOR to maintain consistent color and tint. QÜL PICTURE - BEIäsEsüfll |OXHERfADy^> COLOR TEMP NORMAL ! AUTO COLOR ON CHANNELS Favorites In CHANNELS menu under FAVORITES select: □ CHANNEL SCAN FAV to enter up to 15 favorite channels. □ CHANNEL SCAN ALL to scan all channels when using the CH up/down buttons. SS!tAVORITES*>* CAPTION CHANNEL SCAN FAV ENTER CHANNEL 123 FAVORITE CHANNELS Caption In CHANNELS menu under CAPTION select: □ PRESET CAPTION to enter channel numbers for popular TV stations. □ MANUAL CAPTION to enter numbers and captions manually. □ INPUT LABEL to label video input connections for onscreen display. 5^ CHANNELS PRESET CAPTION MANUAL CAPTION INPUT LABEL 1CAF>T10N£2SP> I w ► ► 14 Special Features LOCK MODE To use LOCK options: □ ENTER CODE FIRST - Use the numeric keypad to enter a four-digit secret code. After entering your secret code for the first time, the onscreen display will change to CHANGE CODE. Note: Use a code that is easy to remember or record it in a safe place. In MODE submenu select: □ LOCK SET to choose: • OFF - To turn lock function off. • ALL - To lock all channels and video inputs. • CHANNEL - To lock up to four channels of your choice. • GAME - To lock channels 3, 4 and video inputs. O MOTION PICT* - To use Motion Picture Ratings. □ TV PARENTAL* - To use TV Parental Guide Ratings. □ CHANGE CODE - Use numeric keypad to change your four-digit secret code. Note: If in CHANGE CODE you enter a different code from the one used previously, the new code becomes the controlling code. Press the ACTION button to return to submenu, then select HOW LONG to choose the period of time you want your option to be locked (12, 24, 48 hours or ALWAYS). Note: Be cautious when selecting ALWAYS. If ALWAYS is selected, and you forget your secret code, the television must be serviced by a qualified technician in order to clear the LOCK setup. Press the ACTION button to return to submenu, and to exit menus. LOCK f J”.......1 LOCK SET OFF Г*Шй1Л MOTION PICT OFF ■ÏL*lVÆk«meifi TV PARENTAL OFF ! ENTER CODE í FIRST E - - - Note: If GAME, CHANNEL or ALL is selected, and if a blocked channel or video input is selected, the message PG (Parent Guard) displays in the upper right comer of the television screen. Unlock LOCK SET by reentering the same four-digit secret code and selecting OFF. *For more information about Motion Picture Status and TV Parental Guide, see the V-CHIP Parental Lock manual provided with the TV package. 15 Troubleshooting Chart Troubleshooting Chart Before calling for service, determine the symptoms and follow suggested solutions. Audio Video j[ Solutions 1 d Nois |Î- \ у Audio înowy Vide 0 Adjust Antenna Location and Connection d Nois 4 у Audio m ultiple (mat эе Adjust Antenna Location and Connection Check Antenna Lead-in Wire d Nois \ у Audio nterterenci Move TV from Electrical Appliances, Lights, Vehicles, and Medical Equipment ж No Audio Jormal Vide 0 Increase Volume Check Mute Check TV SPEAKERS on/off Change Channel d Nois 4 у Audio No\ fideo with £ ïnow Set TV or Cable Mode Properly Check Antenna Cables Ж No Audio В No Video / No PIP Check Power Cord is Plugged into Active Outlet Adjust Brightness and Audio Controls Change Channel Check Cable Connections Program the Remote Control Again Check Second Video Source Operation d Norm 4 al Audio No Color Adjust Color Settings Change Channel X Wrong Audio N ormal Vide О Check Audio Is Set To Stereo Or Mono, Not SAP Change CC (Closed Captioning) from Text Mode d i* \ 1 1 Normal Audio Black Box on Screen d Norm ii' \ al Audio N lormal Vide О Replace Remote Control Batteries | Intermittent Remote Control Operation 16 А ADVERTENCIA RIESGO DE SACUDIDAS ELECTRICAS. NO ABRIR. A ADVERTENCIA: A fin de reducir el riesgo de sacudidas eléctricas, no deberán quitarse ni la cubierta ni la tapa posterior. No hay en el interior pieza alguna que el usuario tenga que reparar. Todo servicio habr...

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