Fabricant : Aprilaire
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• If none of the above is successful and you still need information, please feel free to write us. • Purchase only Genuine Aprilaire Water Panels to maintain performance. If your humidifier is equipped with an Automatic Humidifier Control with Water Panel change indicator, after replacing the Water Panel, turn the control knob to the “Test/Reset” position until the “Humidifier On” light blinks to reset its timer. (Blower must be operating and HVAC calling for heat.) Be sure to turn the control knob back to it’s original setting. If the “Humidifier On” light continues to blink, your humidifier is in Test mode. DO NOT LEAVE THE CONTROL IN TEST MODE OR HUMIDIFIER WILL NOT OPERATE. RISKOFSCALDING.Watertemperatureover125°Fcancausesevereburnsandscaldinstantly.Shutoffthehotwatersupplybeforedisconnectingortappingintoanyhotwatersupplyline. -10--11- PERIODICPREVENTATIVEMAINTENANCEANNUALSUMMERSHUTDOWNPERIODICPREVENTATIVEMAINTENANCEANNUALSUMMERSHUTDOWN For Models 400A, 400M, 500A, 500M, 600A and 600M close the bypass damper, which is a part of the humidifier, with the small damper handle. Humidifier Control: Automatic Digital Humidifier Control in Automatic Mode (see Figure A): No adjustment is necessary. Automatic Digital Humidifier Control in Manual Mode (see Figure B): Set the knob to the “OFF” position. Manual Humidifier Control (see Figure C): Set the knob to the “OFF” position. NOTE: Periodic inspection and preventative maintenance of your total heating system is important for efficient and safe operation. Your heating contractor can service your humidifier at the same time he services the HVAC system. All models have a distribution tray above the Water Panel, which should be inspected annually and cleaned of excess mineral deposits. Older models have a granular coating in the distribution tray. Do not scrape the granuals out of the tray. Newer models have a fabric liner in the distribution tray. 1.DisconnectelectricalpowertotheHVACandshutoffwatersupply. 2.Disconnectthewaterlineattheinletcompressionnut. 3.Removethein-linestrainerfrominsidetheinletsideofthevalvebyusingasmallnailorwire. 4.Flushthein-linestrainercleanorreplacewithanewstrainer,PartNo.4004.5.Reconnecttheinletwaterline.DoubleWrenchtoPreventLeaking. 6.Disconnectthewaterfeedtubeattheoutletcompressionnut. 7.Inspectthewaterfeedtubebygentlyflexingitandlookingforcracksorsignsofwear.Replacetubeifitiscracked,brittle, orhasbeendamaged. 8.Inspecttheorificeinthewaterfeedtubeandmakesurethesmallopeningisunplugged. 9.Reconnectthewaterfeedtube.DoubleWrenchtoPreventLeaking. 10.Removethedrainlinefromthebottomofthehumidifier.Ifapplicable,flexittoloosenanymineraldepositsorblockages.Flushthedrainlinewithwaterunderpressuretoclearitofanydebris,andslipitbackontothedrainfitting. Ifdrainlinedoesnotflowproperly,replaceit.Inspectthedrainlinetomakesureithasaconstantdownwardslopeandisnotflattenedorblocked. 11.TurnonwatersupplyandreconnectelectricalpowertotheHVAC. WATERLINEINSPECTIONANDSERVICEINSTRUCTIONS INLETCOMPRESSIONNUTINLET SOLENOID VALVE ORIFICEOUTLET COMPRESSION NUTIN-LINESTRAINERWATERFEED TUBE90-1053 -12--13- REQUIRED MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS REQUIRED MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS (APRILAIRE HUMIDIFIER MODELS 350 & 360) (APRILAIRE HUMIDIFIER MODELS 400A & 400M) WARNING CAUTION MODELS350& 360 MODEL400SERIES Suddenoperationmaycausepersonalinjuryorpropertydamage. TurnHumidifierControltoOFForlowestsettingbeforeservicing. 120voltsmaycauseseriousinjuryfromelectricalshock.Disconnectpowerandshutoffwatersupplybeforeservicing. 35249 1. Inlet Grille 7618 2. Distribution Tray 3. Scale Control Insert 4. Distribution Tray Cover 5. Water Panel Evaporator 6. Drain Spud 7. Power Cord 8. Metal Housing 9. Water Panel Eva...
Ce manuel est également adapté pour les modèles :Humidificateurs - 500M (817.44 kb)
Humidificateurs - 350 (817.44 kb)
Humidificateurs - 360 (817.44 kb)
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