Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
Po dlouhem stisknuti tlaaitka [Record/Stop] k zaostfieni v tmavem prostfiedi se zobrazi Indikator chvuni a zaane blikat. Namaaknute tlaaitko [Record / Stop]. Stisknute tlaaitko [Record / Stop]. Jak zaostfiit . 3 2592 IN Namaaknutim tlaaitka [Record / Stop] objekt zaostfiete. Upln.m stiskem tlaaitka fotografujete. Pressing the [Record/Stop] button halfway down sets the focus. Fully pressing the button takes a photo. 4 2592 IN Zooming In and Out PfiibliIovani a oddalovani (zoom) ENGLISH Photo Mode (ReIim Photo Mode : Capturing Fotografovani): Fotografovani IN2323 2592 T CZECH Zooming allows you to change the size of the subject captured in a scene. You can take advantage of the 3x optical electro motion zoom lens. 1. Turn the Mode Dial to Photo mode. 2. Press the [POWER] button to turn on the Miniket Photo. Zoom Out Move the [W/T] zoom switch to W (WIDE) W T The shot subject’s size is reduced, and you can take a picture as if you were far away from the subject. On the zoom indicator in the LCD screen, the arrow moves to W. The smallest rate of zoom out is the default rate (original resolution of the subject). Zoom In Move the [W/T] zoom switch to T (TELE) . W T The subject is larger, and you can take a picture as if you were close to the subject. On the zoom indicator the arrow moves to T. Zoom Out Zoom In The largest optical zoom ratio is 3x, which is the biggest among the basic zoom. [ Notes ] . Frequent use of zooming may result in higher battery consumption. . You can take advantage of 5x digital zoom as well as 3x optical zoom for a total of 15x zoom. . Optical zoom preserves the image quality. PfiibliIovani a oddalovani (zoom) je zpUsob, kter.m lze zmunit velikost snimaneho pfiedmutu. MUIete vyuIit objektivu s trojnasobn.m optick.m elektricky pohanun.m pfiibliIenim. 1. Otoate Ovladaa reIimU na reIim Photo (Fotografie) . 2. Miniket Photo zapnete stiskem tlaaitka [POWER]. Zmen‰eni PfiesuAte pfiepinaa zoomu [W/T] do polohy W (‰irokouhl. snimek) W T Velikost pfiedmutu na snimku se zmen‰i, a mUIete fotografovat scenu, jako byste byli daleko od pfiedmutu. . Na indikatoru zoom na LCD obrazovce se ‰ipka pfiesune k pismenu W. . Nejmen‰i oddaleni je v.chozi oddaleni (pUvodni rozli‰eni pfiedmutu). Zvut‰eni PfiesuAte pfiepinaa zoomu [W/T] do polohy T (teleobjektiv) W T Velikost pfiedmutu na snimku se zvut‰i, a mUIete fotografovat scenu, jako byste byli blizko u pfiedmutu. . Na indikatoru zoom na LCD obrazovce se ‰ipka pfiesune k pismenu T. Nejvut‰i opticke pfiibliIeni je 3x, coI je nejvut‰i hodnota zakladnihopfiibliIeni. [ Poznamky ] . aaste pouIivani zoomu mUIe zpUsobit rychlej‰i vybiti baterie. . Kromu optickeho trojnasobneho zoomu mUIete vyuIit i putinasobn. digitalni zoom, celkem tedy 15x zoom. . Opticke zvut‰eni zachovava kvalitu obrazu. T 2592 IN2323 5454 ENGLISH Photo Mode (ReIim Photo Mode : Viewing Fotografovani): ProhliIeni 3 4 IN 2592 1717 MENU POWER W T IN 2592 Shortcut Buttons joystick [POWER] Button CZECH Viewing Photo Files ProhliIeni souborU s fotografiemi na LCD monitoru It is handy and practical to view pictures using the LCD monitor almost anywhere such as in a car, indoors, or outdoors. 1. Turn the Mode Dial to Photo mode. 2. Press the [POWER] button to turn on the Miniket Photo. 3. Press the [Shortcut 1] button to switch to Photo View mode. 4. Move the joystick left / right to find the photo you want to view. . Each movement of the joystick goes to the previous / next photo. [ Notes ] . If there is no file stored to view, the message
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