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Instructions Panasonic, Modèle WJHD500

Fabricant : Panasonic
Taille : 252.3 kb
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Langue d'enseignement: en

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Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Vidéo - WJHD500 (1.27 mb)enfr
Vidéo - WJHD500 (1.01 mb)iten
Vidéo - WJHD500 (1.27 mb)itesde

Facilité d'utilisation

s General
The WJ-HDE500 and WJ-HDE505 are the Extension Units for installation with the digital disk recorder WJ-HD500 to extend
its disk capacity. Extension is available by connecting a maximum of 6 extension units in the SCSI chain while an extension
unit can contain up to four HDDs. The WJ-HDE505 is used to assure driving capability for the SCSI chain when more than 3
extension units are connected.
s Precautions
• Do not operate the appliance beyond its specified
• Avoid condensation on the surface of the HDD. Wait
temperature, humidity or power source ratings.
until the dew evaporates if any of the following
Do not use the appliance in an extreme environment
cases takes place.
where high temperature or high humidity exists. Use
The appliance is moved to a place significantly def-
the appliance at temperatures within +5 °C to +45
erent in temperature or humidity.
°C (41 °F to 113 °F) and a humidity below 90 %.
The appliance is moved out from the air-conditioned
The input power source for this appliance is 220 V -
240 V AC 50 Hz.
The appliance is placed in an extremely humid
• Avoid shock and vibration
The appliance is placed in a room where heater has
Shock or vibration may damage the HDD while
just been turned on.
operating or not operating.
Do not move the HDD for 30 seconds right after
• Consumable parts
turning off the power.
Contact your dealer for the replacement when the
time comes.
• Pay attention to static electricity
Built-in hard disk needs replacement after around
Put your hand on a metallic surface to discharge
30 000 hours of operation.
static electricity before installation.
Cooling fan also needs replacement after around
Do not touch components mounted on the HDD
30 000 hours of operation.
directly with hand.
Hold only both sides of the HDD when installing.
• Do not block the ventilation opening or slots on the
To prevent the appliance from overheating, place it
at least 5 cm (2 inches) away from the wall.
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Nous déclarons sous note seule responsabilité que le produit auquel se
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ment, eller andra normativa dokument som framställs i EEC-direktiv nr.
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Nosotros declaramos bajo nuestra única responsabilidad que el produc-
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Noi dichiariamo sotto nostra esclusiva responsabilità che il prodotto a
Vi erklærer oss alene ansvarlige for at produktet som denne erklæringen
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standard o altri documenti normativi conformi alle disposizioni delle
mgivende dokumenter som følger bestemmelsene i direktivene
direttive CEE/73/23 e CEE/89/336.
73/23/EEC og 89/336/EEC.


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