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Instructions Philips, Modèle HX6311/07

Fabricant : Philips
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Langue d'enseignement: en
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Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :

Facilité d'utilisation

關閉或啟用 Easy-start 功能
1 將刷頭裝上握柄。
- The KidTimer plays a congratulatory tune at the end of the pre-
Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips!
determined brushing time. Additionally, the KidTimer automatically
恭喜您購買本產品並歡迎加入飛利浦!請於 www.philips.com/
2 將握柄放進插入式充電器。
To fully benefit from the support that Philips offers, register
switches off the Sonicare when the brushing cycle is complete.
welcome 註冊您的產品,以善用飛利浦提供的支援。
- 若要關閉 Easy-start:
your product at www.philips.com/welcome.
- When in high mode, the KidTimer is set at 2 minutes.
按住電源開關按鈕 2 秒鐘。您會聽到 1 次嗶聲,表示 Easy-start 功
一般說明 (圖 1)
General description (Fig. 1)
- When in low mode, the KidTimer is set at 1 minute and slowly
A 旅行用衛生保護蓋
- 若要啟用 Easy-start:
A Hygienic travel cap
increases to 2 minutes over time. This slow increase in brushing time
B 刷頭
按住電源開關按鈕 2 秒鐘。您會聽到 2 次嗶聲,表示 Easy-start 功
B Brush head
helps young children reach the dentist recommended 2 minutes of
C 防滑握柄
C Handle with soft grip
D 電源開關搭配電池充電指示燈
D Power on/off button with battery charge indicator
Note: Instruct your child to brush until they hear the congratulatory tune and
注意: 我們不建議在最初循序漸進週期以外的時間使用 Easy-start
E 可拆式面板搭配更換式貼紙
E Removable panel with replaceable stickers
the toothbrush switches off.
功能,這會降低 Sonicare 清除牙菌斑的效果。
F 刷牙模式按鈕搭配模式指示燈
F Brushing mode button with mode lights
G 充電器
G Charger
H 面板
H Panel
The KidPacer uses a short series of tones to alert the brusher to move to
I 貼紙
I Sticker
the next brushing quadrant of the mouth. This ensures that the teeth get a
thorough, overall clean, see section ‘Brushing instructions’ in chapter ‘Using
Read this user manual carefully before you use the appliance and save
the Sonicare For Kids’.
it for future reference.
1 取下刷頭,用溫水沖洗金屬軸部分。 (圖 10)

- 請勿讓充電器沾到水。請勿放置或存放於盛水的澡盆、洗臉盆、
- The Sonicare For Kids comes with the Easy-start feature activated.
- Keep the charger away from water. Do not place or store it over or
- The Easy-start feature gently increases the power over the first
2 請用濕布擦拭握柄的整個表面。
near water contained in a bathtub, washbasin, sink etc. Do not immerse
14 brushings.
the charger in water or any other liquid. After cleaning, make sure the

- 本產品並非玩具。請定期檢查刷頭是否產生裂痕。破裂的刷頭可
charger is completely dry before you connect it to the mains.
Note: Each of the first 14 brushings must be at least 1 minute in length
- This appliance is not a toy. Check brush heads regularly for
to properly advance through the Easy-start ramp-up cycle.
1 請於每次使用完畢後,沖洗刷頭與刷毛。 (圖 11)
cracks. Cracked brush heads may present a choke hazard.
Deactivating or activating the Easy-start feature

- 電線無法更換。如果電線損壞,請棄置充電器。請務必以原型號
2 請至少每週一次,將刷頭從握柄取下,再用溫水沖洗刷頭連接部位。
1 Attach the brush head to the handle.

- The mains cord cannot be replaced. If the mains cord is damaged,

- 如果產品有任何機件受損 (刷頭、牙刷握柄和/或充電器),請停止
discard the charger. Always have the charger replaced with one of the
2 Place the handle in the plugged-in charger.
1 進行清潔前,請先拔離充電器電源。
original type in order to avoid a hazard.
- To deactivate Easy-start:

- 本產品不含可維修部分;萬一損壞,請與您所在國家/地區的客戶
- If the appliance is damaged in any way (brush head, toothbrush handle
Press and hold the power on/off button for 2 seconds. You hear 1 beep
服務中心聯繫 (請參閱「保固與服務」單元)。
2 用濕布擦拭充電器的表面。
and/or charger), stop using it.
to indicate that the Easy-start feature has been deactivated.

- 充電器不可在室外或高熱表面附近使用。
- This appliance contains no serviceable parts. If the appliance is damaged,
- To activate Easy-start:

- 本產品不適合供下列人士 (包括兒童) 使用:身體官能或心智能力
- 如果您將有一段長時間不使用 Sonicare,請將充電器插頭拔下並
contact the Consumer Care Centre in your country (see chapter
Press and hold the power on/off button for 2 seconds. You hear 2 beeps
‘Guarantee and service’).
to indicate that the Easy-start feature has been activated.
- 刷頭可收納在充電器後方的刷頭固定座上。
- Do not use the charger outdoors or near heated surfaces.
Note: Using the Easy-start feature beyond the initial ramp-up period is not

- 請勿讓兒童使用本產品或將本產品當成玩具。
- This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children)
recommended and reduces Sonicare’s effectiveness in removing plaque.
with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of

experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or

- 如果您的口腔或牙齦在過去 2 個月內曾動過手術,請在使用本牙
instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for
Do not clean brush heads, handle, charger, charger cover or replaceable
- 至少每隔 3 個月更換一次 Sonicare 刷頭,以獲得最佳的清潔效果。
their safety.
panels in the dishwasher or a microwave.

- 如果您在使用本牙刷後有出血狀況,或出血狀況延續超過 1 星

- 請務必使用 Sonicare For Kids 替換刷頭。
- Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the
Toothbrush handle

- 若您有醫療方面的顧慮,使用 Sonicare 之前請先諮詢您的醫

- 本產品使用壽命結束時,請勿與一般家庭廢棄物一併丟棄。請
1 Remove the brush head and rinse the metal shaft area with warm

- Sonicare 電動牙刷符合電磁裝置之安全標準。若您身上裝有心律
將本產品送至政府指定的回收站,此舉能為環保盡一份心力。 (
- If you have had oral or gum surgery in the previous 2 months, consult
water (Fig. 10).
圖 12)
your dentist before you use the toothbrush.

- 本產品內建的充電式電池含有可能會污染環境的物質。丟棄本產
- Consult your dentist if excessive bleeding occurs after using this
Do not push on the rubber seal on the metal shaft with sharp objects,

- 本產品只適用於清潔牙齒、牙齦與舌頭,請勿用作其他用途。用
toothbrush or if bleeding continues to occur after 1 week of use.
as this may cause damage.
- If you have medical concerns, consult your doctor before you use the
2 Use a damp cloth to wipe the entire surface of the handle.

- 請勿使用非製造商推薦的刷頭。

- 如果牙膏內含過氧化氫、小蘇打或其他重碳酸鹽 (常見於美白用
並以對環境無害的方式處理電池。 (圖 13)
- The Sonicare toothbrush complies with the safety standards for
Brush head
electromagnetic devices. If you have a pacemaker or other implanted
device, contact your physician or the device manufacturer of the
1 Rinse the brush head and bristles after each use (Fig. 11).

- 請勿使用洗碗機或微波爐清潔刷頭、握柄、充電器、充電器蓋或
implanted device prior to use.
2 Remove the brush head from the handle and rinse the brush head
- This appliance has only been designed for cleaning teeth, gums and
connection at least once a week with warm water.
若要取出充電式電池,您必須使用一字 (標準) 螺絲起子。
tongue. Do not use it for any other purpose. Stop using the appliance
磁波 (EMF)
and contact your doctor if you experience any discomfort or pain.
- Do not use other brush heads than the ones recommended by the
1 若要將充電式電池的電力完全耗盡,請將握柄從充電器取下,開
1 Unplug the charger before you clean it.
啟 Sonicare 電源,讓它運轉至停為止。重複此步驟,直至您無
- If your toothpaste contains peroxide, baking soda or other bicarbonate
2 Use a damp cloth to wipe the surface of the charger.
法再開啟 Sonicare 電源。
(common in whitening toothpastes), thoroughly clean the brush head
and the handle with soap and water after each use. Otherwise the
Sonicare For Kids 隨附 1 個更換式面板。
2 將螺絲起子插入握柄底部的溝槽,逆時鐘方向旋轉直到看見底蓋
plastic may crack.
- If you are not going to use the Sonicare for an extended period of
和握柄之間的間隙。 (圖 14)
1 取下面板上的自粘背膠。
- Do not clean brush heads, handle, charger, charger cover or replaceable
time, unplug the charger, clean it and store it in a cool and dry place
3 將螺絲起子插入間隙,然後將底蓋從握柄上撬開。 (圖 15)
panels in the dishwasher or a microwave.
away from direct sunlight.
2 將面板裝上握柄正面的白色部分。 (圖 2)
- You can store a brush head on the brushing head holder at the back
4 將握柄上下顛倒握住,將主軸往下壓,使握柄的內部零件鬆
Electromagnetic fields (EMF)
of the charger.
注意: 請確認面板的鏤空部分對準握柄正面的按鈕。
脫。 (圖 16)
This Philips appliance complies with all applicable standards and regulations
3 把您喜愛的貼紙貼到面板上,如貼紙片上所示。 (圖 3)
5 將螺絲起子插入電池連接線旁邊的電路板下方,以扭轉方式斷開
regarding exposure to electromagnetic fields.
Brush head
連接線。取出電路板,再將電池從塑膠固定座撬開。 (圖 17)
Preparing for use
- Replace Sonicare brush heads every 3 months to achieve optimal
1 在溫水中清洗面板,您也可使用溫和洗劑清洗面板。
Applying the replaceable panel
2 讓面板自然晾乾。
為 www.philips.com,或聯絡當地的飛利浦客戶服務中心 (電話號碼
The Sonicare For Kids comes with 1 replaceable panel.
- Use only Sonicare For Kids replacement brush heads.
3 將面板重新裝上握柄正面的白色部分。
1 Remove the adhesive backing from the panel.
- Do not throw away the appliance with the normal household waste
2 Apply the panel to the white section on the front of the handle (Fig. 2).
at the end of its life, but hand it in at an official collection point for
1 將刷頭對齊,使刷毛朝向握柄正面。 (圖 4)
Note: Make sure you line up the cut-out areas on the panel with the buttons on
recycling. By doing this, you help to preserve the environment (Fig. 12).
- 刷頭
the front of the handle.
- The built-in rechargeable battery contains substances that may pollute
2 穩固的將刷頭壓入金屬軸的底部。
the environment. Always remove the battery before you discard and
- 更換式面板
3 Apply your favorite sticker to the panel as shown on the sticker
hand in the appliance at an official collection point. Dispose of the
注意: 刷頭與握柄之間有小小的間隙。
- 因不當使用、濫用、疏忽、改裝或未經授權的維修所造成之損害
sheet (Fig. 3).
battery at an official collection point for batteries. If you have trouble
- 一般磨損與破損,包括剝落、刮痕、磨損、變色或褪色
為 Sonicare 充
Reapplying a panel that has been removed
removing the battery, you can also take the appliance to a Philips service
centre. The staff of this centre will remove the battery for you and will
1 將充電器電源線插頭插入電源插座。
1 Rinse the panel in warm water; you may also use a mild detergent to
dispose of it in an environmentally safe way (Fig. 13).
clean it.
2 將握柄放到充電器上。 (圖 5)
Removing the rechargeable battery

, 電源開關按鈕的電池充電指示燈會開始閃爍,表示牙刷正在充
2 Let the panel air dry.
3 Reapply the panel to the white section on the front of the handle.
Please note that this process is not reversible.

, Sonicare 完全充電後,電池充電指示燈會停止閃爍,並維持亮起。
Attaching the brush head
To remove the rechargeable battery, you need a flat-head (standard)
注意: 若 Sonicare 的電池電量偏低,您會在刷牙週期結束時聽到
3 次嗶聲,電池充電指示燈會快速閃爍 30 秒。
1 Align the brush head so the bristles point in the same direction as
Observe basic safety precautions when you follow the procedure below. Be
注意: 為了維持充足的電池電量,在您不使用 Sonicare 時可置於充
the front of the handle. (Fig. 4)
sure to protect your eyes, hands, fingers and the surface on which you work.
2 Firmly press the brush head onto the metal shaft until it stops.
1 To deplete the rechargeable battery of any charge, remove the handle
充飽,至少需要 24 小時。
from the charger, switch on the Sonicare and let it run until it stops.
使用 Sonicare For Kids
Note: There is a small gap between the brush head and the handle.
Repeat this step until you can no longer switch on the Sonicare.
Charging the Sonicare
2 Insert a screwdriver into the slot located in the bottom of the handle
and turn anticlockwise until you see a gap between the bottom cap
8 歲以下兒童建議由父母或成人照顧者為其刷牙。
1 Put the mains plug of the charger in the wall socket.
and the handle. (Fig. 14)
1 沾濕刷毛,擠上少量牙膏。
2 Place the handle on the charger (Fig. 5).
3 Insert the screwdriver into the gap and pry the bottom cap out of the

, The battery charge indicator in the power on/off button flashes to
handle (Fig. 15).
2 將刷毛放置於牙齒表面,刷毛角度微微傾向牙齦。 (圖 6)
indicate that the toothbrush is charging.
3 按下電源開關按鈕,開啟 Sonicare 電源。

, When the Sonicare is fully charged, the battery charge indicator stops
4 Hold the handle upside down and push down on the shaft to release
flashing and remains on.
the internal components of the handle (Fig. 16).
4 略為施力以充分發揮 Sonicare 的效果,將刷牙的工作交由
Sonicare 牙刷為您代勞。
Note: If the battery charge of the Sonicare is low, you hear 3 beeps and the
5 Insert the screwdriver under the circuit board, next to the battery
battery charge indicator flashes rapidly for 30 seconds after the brushing cycle.
connections, and twist to break the connections. Remove the circuit
5 將刷頭以輕柔緩慢的小動作在牙齒表面來回移動,讓較長的刷毛
board and pry the battery from the plastic carrier (Fig. 17).
Note: To keep the battery fully charged at all times, you may keep the Sonicare on
the charger when not in use. When the battery is fully charged, the charger uses a
Guarantee and service
注意: 為確保牙刷能均衡清潔牙齒,請利用 KidPacer (兒童刷牙進
minimal amount of energy. It takes at least 24 hours to fully charge the battery.
If you need service or information or if you have a problem, please visit
度) 功能將牙齒劃分為 4 個區域 (請參閱「功能」單元)。
the Philips website at www.philips.com or contact the Philips Consumer
Using the Sonicare For Kids
Care Centre in your country (you find its phone number in the worldwide
6 首先從第 1 區 (上排牙齒外側) 開始,直到音樂指示您移到第
2 區 (上排牙齒內側)。聽到下一段音樂後,移到第 3 區 (下排牙
Brushing instructions
guarantee leaflet). If there is no Consumer Care Centre in your country,
go to your local Philips dealer.
齒外側)。接著又聽到下一段音樂後,移到第 4 區 (下排牙齒內
For children under age 8, it is recommended that a parent or adult caregiver
側)。電動牙刷會在刷牙週期結束時自動關閉牙刷電源。 (圖 7)
perform toothbrushing.
Guarantee restrictions
The terms of the international guarantee do not cover the following:
7 完成刷牙週期後,可多花些時間刷洗牙齒咬合面及齒垢堆積處。
1 Wet the bristles and apply a small amount of toothpaste.
- Brush heads
也可隨個人喜好,在牙刷電源啟動或關閉之下刷洗舌頭。 (圖 8)
Sonicare For Kids 能安全適用於下列情形:
2 Place the toothbrush bristles against the teeth at a slight angle
- Replaceable panels

- 牙齒矯正器 (如果您有裝矯正器,牙刷刷毛會較快磨損)
towards the gumline (Fig. 6).
- Damage caused by misuse, abuse, neglect, alterations or unauthorised

- 牙齒復型 (填補、牙套、牙面鑲嵌)
3 Press the power on/off button to switch on the Sonicare.
- Normal wear and tear, including chips, scratches, abrasions,
4 Apply light pressure to maximise Sonicare’s effectiveness and let the
discolouration or fading
Sonicare toothbrush do the brushing for you.
- Replaceable stickers
1 按下刷牙模式按鈕可切換各種模式。 (圖 9)
5 Gently move the brush head slowly across the teeth in a small back

, 綠色模式指示燈會表示選定的模式。
and forth motion so the longer bristles reach between the teeth.

- 高動力模式:全效動力模式,針對較大/獨立兒童設計。
Continue this motion throughout the brushing cycle.

- 低動力模式:較低動力模式,適用於訓練中或初次使用 Sonicare
Note: To make sure you brush evenly throughout the mouth, divide the mouth
into 4 sections using the KidPacer feature (see chapter ‘Features’).
6 Begin brushing in section 1 (outside top teeth) until a tune indicates
KidTimer (兒定時功能)
it is time to move to section 2 (inside top teeth). At the next
tune, move to section 3 (outside bottom teeth). The next tune

- KidTimer (兒童定時功能) 會在預定的刷牙時間結束時播放慶祝音
indicates it is time to move to section 4 (inside bottom teeth).
樂。此外,KidTimer (兒童定時功能) 會在刷牙周期完成後自動關
The toothbrush automatically switches off at end of the brushing
閉 Sonicare。
cycle (Fig. 7).

- 高動力模式的 KidTimer (兒童定時功能) 設定為 2 分鐘。

- 低動力模式的 KidTimer (兒童定時功能) 設定為 1 分鐘,並會隨
7 After you have completed the brushing cycle, you can
時間緩慢增加至 2 分鐘,如此能幫助幼童達到牙醫師建議的 2 分
spend additional time brushing the chewing surfaces of your teeth and
areas where staining occurs. You may also brush your tongue, with the
toothbrush switched on or off, as you prefer (Fig. 8).
注意: 請指導孩子,讓孩子聽到慶祝音樂再停止刷牙,然後牙刷電
The Sonicare For Kids is safe to use on:
- Braces (brush heads wear out sooner when used on braces)
KidPacer (兒童刷牙進度)
- Dental restorations (fillings, crowns, veneers)
KidPacer (兒童刷牙進度) 以簡短的音樂提醒刷牙者移動到下一個刷
Brushing modes
牙部位,確保牙齒獲得徹底、全面的清潔,請參閱「使用 Sonicare
The toothbrush automatically starts in the default high mode.
For Kids」單元中的「刷牙方法」一節。
Easy-start (循序漸進功能)
1 Press the brushing mode button to toggle between modes. (Fig. 9)

, The green mode light indicates the selected mode.

- Sonicare For Kids 預設啟用 Easy-start 循序漸進功能。
- High mode: Full-strength mode designed for older/independent

- Easy-start 功能會在最初 14 次刷牙次數中緩慢增加力道。
- Low mode: Reduced power mode used for training and introducing
注意: 為確實完成 Easy-start 的循序漸進週期,前 14 次刷牙時間
younger children to the sonic experience.
須維持至少 1 分鐘。
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