Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
HP DECset Release 12.7 for OpenVMS VAX Systems
SPD 27.07.22
The following VAX products partially support LSE (refer
SCA provides an interface via callable routines, as well
to product SPDs for more details); the templates are
as through the SCA command-line interface and the
included with the product:
DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS VAX interface.
ACMS (SPD 25.50.xx)
Note: The following SCA-supported compilers are
available on the OpenVMS VAX platform:
HP Ada for OpenVMS VAX
LSE works in conjunction with CMS, SCA, and the
OpenVMS VAX Debugger to provide a highly interactive,
HP C for OpenVMS VAX
online environment that facilitates the NAVIGATE-EDIT-
COMPILE-DEBUG portion of the program development
cycle. DECset users can directly reserve and replace
HP Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX *
files from CMS while in LSE, go to the exact source
HP Pascal for OpenVMS VAX
code location in LSE from SCA, and go to the exact
source code location in LSE from the OpenVMS VAX
Refer to the Product SPD or Release Notes for extent
of support.
Source Code Analyzer
HP Language–Sensitive Editor/Source Code Analyzer
The Source Code Analyzer (SCA) aids programmers
for OpenVMS VAX Systems is a component of the
in understanding the complexities of software systems.
DECset for OpenVMS VAX Systems product and is also
Because it allows users to analyze an entire system, as
available separately. Please refer to the ORDERING IN-
opposed to individual modules, and it helps users under-
FORMATION section of this SPD.
stand unfamiliar systems, SCA is extremely useful dur-
HP Digital Test Manager for OpenVMS VAX Systems
ing both the implementation and maintenance phases
of a project.
The HP Digital Test Manager for OpenVMS VAX Sys-
tems is a regression testing tool that automates the cre-
SCA provides navigation capabilities to assist users in
ation and maintenance of regression tests. It also au-
locating and viewing components of their source code.
tomatically compares test run results with expected test
SCA accomplishes this by storing compiler-generated
results. The Digital Test Manager provides users with
information about a set of source files in an SCA library.
flexibility in organizing tests, selecting tests for execu-
SCA then allows users to perform queries about their
tion, and verifying and reviewing test results. With the
source code in the following ways:
Digital Test Manager users can:
Using a name browser to locate all items that match
Test batch and command line applications.
a search string.
Create and record tests.
Specifying a cross-reference query to find how and
Group tests into meaningful combinations.
where program symbols are used.
Execute specific tests, groups of tests, or combina-
Specifying a call graph query to graphically display
tions of groups of tests.
call relationships between routines.
Compare the results of the executed tests with
Specifying a data structure query to graphically dis-
benchmark test results to determine differences.
play the structure of data types in the source code or
View test results interactively.
to find symbols of a given type.
Update benchmarks as needed.
User controlled marking of items of interest is provided
Filter test results to ignore output that is expected to
so users can mark items to be queried and save that
change for each test execution.
information to a command file to be reused.
The Digital Test Manager enables users to store soft-
After users have a query result, they can use the go-
ware test descriptions and related files in CMS libraries
to-source feature to navigate to locations of interest in
for storage efficiency.
their source code.
SCA also provides static analysis capabilities to assist
through callable routines, as well as through the
users in checking for consistent use of program sym-
Digital Test Manager command-line interface and the
DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS VAX interface.