Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
HP OpenVMS Common Internet File System V1.0
SPD 82.42.02
implemented by mapping Windows security to Open-
VMS security. HP CIFS depends on VMS auditing for
auditing facility.
Processors Supported
Printing Services
All AlphaServer systems supported by OpenVMS Alpha
Users can share printers connected to both AlphaServer
Version 8.2 or later are supported by HP CIFS for
and Integrity server systems or OpenVMS Cluster sys-
OpenVMS Alpha. All Integrity server systems supported
tems, as well as network-based printers such as LAT
by OpenVMS Version 8.2-1 or later are supported by HP
printers and PrintServers. Print shares are supported
CIFS for OpenVMS Integrity servers.
in Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network
(WAN) environments. PC clients can print files from
their desktop operating systems as well as from PC ap-
plications. Multiple print shares may also be defined for
a single printer. In addition, OpenVMS printer queue
functionality is provided.
Network Interface Controllers
For the TCP/IP transport, HP CIFS supports the network
HP CIFS supports raw, text, NT style and all
hardware devices supported by the specific TCP/IP
PostScript (DCPS) printers supported by OpenVMS. Se-
See the Software Product Description for
lected PostScript printers may need the HP DECprint
HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (SPD 46.46.xx).
Supervisor for OpenVMS (DCPS) software to provide
For information about what software versions of HP
access through the OpenVMS queuing system over
TCP/IP for OpenVMS are supported, see the section
TCP/IP or DECnet. The HP DCPS product provides
PostScript and DEC ANSI printing to selected industry-
products, contact the vendor.
standard PostScript printers. See the HP DCPS Soft-
ware Product Description (SPD 44.15.xx) for a complete
list of PostScript printers supported by HP OpenVMS.
Network Transports
Operating System
HP CIFS supports the TCP/IP network transport soft-
ware. It utilizes the industry standard TCP/IP protocol
The software requirements for HP CIFS for OpenVMS
running on the host server. This allows an OpenVMS
Integrity servers Version 1.0 are:
host system to interact with a Microsoft Windows client
• HP OpenVMS Integrity Operating System Version
or server to provide remote file, print, and authentication
8.2-1 or higher
services. HP CIFS provides remote access to numer-
ous computers at the same time. This Common Internet
The software requirements for HP CIFS for OpenVMS
File System runs over TCP/IP by using the SMB (Server
Alpha Version 1.0 are:
Message Block) protocol found in Microsoft Windows
for file and printer access. HP CIFS has been devel-
• HP OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Version 8.2
oped and tested with the HP OpenVMS TCP/IP Services
or higher
product. Third party TCP/IP solutions that interoperate
The software requirements for HP CIFS in support
with the OpenVMS Operating system will be supported
of Microsoft are Windows 2000, Windows 2003, and
on a best case basis. Network Basic Input/Output Sys-
Windows XP clients. Windows 95, Windows 98 and
tem (NetBIOS) is supported with interface to LMHOSTS
Windows-NT are not supported.
file, WINS and DNS NETBIOS name resolution.
Network Transport Software
HP CIFS is to be used in a TCP/IP environment. HP
HP CIFS security on files is implemented by mapping
OpenVMS TCP/IP software is recommended.
Windows security to OpenVMS security. Thus, HP CIFS
software must be purchased separately for OpenVMS
depends upon time proven VMS security mechanism
Alpha, but is included in the Foundation Operating
for accessing files. It also provides trust relationship
Environment (FOE) for HP OpenVMS Integrity servers.