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HP OpenVMS for Integrity Servers and HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.2
Operating Systems
SPD 82.35.01
HP PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)
one version of DECnet can be active on a single sys-
tem at any one time. Both DECnet and DECnet-Plus
HP Pathworks for OpenVMS (Advanced Server), also
allow OpenVMS systems to participate in network task-
known as Pathworks Advanced Server, is currently
to-task communications for the purposes of transfer and
available for Alpha based systems only. Pathworks for
copy of files, printing, the running of applications, etc.
OpenVMS Version 6.1 is the only supported version for
OpenVMS Alpha Versions 7.3, 7.3-1 and 7.3-2. Path-
DECnet-Plus offers task-to-task communications, file
works for OpenVMS Version 6.1 is not supported on
management, downline system and task loading, net-
OpenVMS Version 8.2.
work command terminals, and network resource shar-
ing capabilities as defined in the DIGITAL Network Ar-
For further information, refer to the HP Advanced
chitecture (DNA) Phase V protocols. DECnet-Plus pro-
Server for OpenVMS Software Product Description
vides the newest DECnet features such as extended
(SPD 30.50.xx).
addressing and downline-load performance enhance-
HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
ments. DECnet-Plus integrates DECnet and OSI pro-
tocols and now provides a linkage to TCP/IP using
HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS is a layered product.
Request for Comments (RFC) 1006 and RFC 1859.
For OpenVMS Alpha, a separate license is required.
DECnet and OSI applications can now be run over DEC-
For OpenVMS I64, TCP/IP Services is licensed as part
net (NSP), OSI (CLNS), and TCP/IP transports.
of the Foundation Operating Environment (FOE); there-
fore, a separate license is not required.
DECnet for OpenVMS Alpha offers the networking ca-
pabilities as defined in the DIGITAL Network Architec-
HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS is HP’s industry-
ture (DNA) Phase IV. For more information, refer to the
standard implementation of the TCP/IP and NFS net-
Associated Products section of this SPD.
working protocols on the OpenVMS platform. TCP/IP
Services for OpenVMS is integrated with the Open-
Refer to the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Software Prod-
VMS operating system installation. TCP/IP Services for
uct Description (SPD 50.45.xx), or the DECnet for Open-
OpenVMS provides interoperability and resource shar-
VMS Software Product Description (SPD 48.48.xx) for
ing among systems running OpenVMS, UNIX™, Win-
further information.
dows, and other operating systems that support TCP/IP.
HP DECram for OpenVMS
TCP/IP provides a comprehensive suite of functions and
applications that support industry-standard protocols for
HP DECram for OpenVMS is a disk device driver that
heterogeneous network communications and resource
improves I/O performance by allowing an OpenVMS
sharing. TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS provides a full
system manager to create pseudo disks (RAMdisks)
TCP/IP protocol suite including IP/multicasting, dynamic
that reside in main memory. Frequently accessed data
load balancing, rlogin proxy, network file access, remote
can be accessed much faster from a DECram device
terminal access, remote command execution, remote
than from a physical disk device. These RAMdisks can
printing, mail, application development, Post Office Pro-
be accessed through the file system just as physical
tocol (POP), SNMP Extensible agent (eSNMP), and Fin-
disks are accessed, requiring no change to application
ger Utility.
or system software.
Refer to the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Software
Because main memory is allocated for the DECram
Product Description (SPD 46.46.xx) for further informa-
device, extra memory is generally required.
OpenVMS system manager can designate the amount
of memory dedicated to the DECram devices and the
HP DECnet-Plus and HP DECnet Software
files that will be stored on it.
HP DECnet for OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity server
Starting with HP OpenVMS Version 8.2, the binary kit
software is a System Integrated Product (SIP). DEC-
for HP DECram ships with the HP OpenVMS Alpha and
net for OpenVMS Alpha is licensed separately from the
Integrity servers distribution kits. To run the DECram
OpenVMS operating system. DECnet for OpenVMS I64
software, customers must first purchase a separate li-
is a component of the Enterprise Operating Environment
(EOE) on Integrity servers license bundle.
For HP OpenVMS Alpha customers, the software li-
HP DECnet-Plus (formerly DECnet/OSI) for OpenVMS
censes is: QL-MV3A*-**.
Alpha is licensed separately from the OpenVMS oper-
ating system as well. DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS I64 is
For HP OpenVMS for Integrity server customers, a soft-
a component of the Enterprise Operating Environment
ware license for HP DECram may be purchased either
(EOE) on Integrity servers license bundle. The license
as part of the OpenVMS Enterprise Operating Envi-
for DECnet for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 also
ronment (EOE) or as a separate per-processor license
grants the rights to use DECnet-Plus. Note that only
(PPL): BA407AC