Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
Adding a new path to a LUN seen through FibrChanl-01 (fcd) driver can cause IOs pending
with the driver for the LUN to stop for R_A_TOV period
R_A_TOV stands for Resource Allocation Time Out Value (refer to FC-FS-3 21.3.5 for details).
The default value of R_A_TOV is 10 seconds.
On an 11iv3 host, when I/Os are in progress to a LUN and a new LUN path is added, the
mass storage stack issues a “abort-task-set” SCSI Task Management request on all existing
paths to the LUN. This causes the underlying FibrChanl-01 (fcd) driver to abort all I/Os to the
LUN. The new path addition completes only after all the aborted I/Os and the SCSI Task
Management request are returned by the underlying FibrChanl-01 (fcd) driver.
In aborting an I/O that is active with a Fibre Channel target device, the FibrChan-01 (fcd)
driver must wait for a period equal to the value of R_A_TOV before returning the I/O with
aborted status to the mass storage stack. This means the new path addition and subsequent
retry of I/O is delayed for a period equal to the value of R_A_TOV. This could result in
applications that access the LUN experiencing I/O timeouts during new LUN path addition.
Note that any I/Os that are not active with the Fibre Channel target are aborted immediately
by the driver. To avoid a R_A_TOV delay and possible IO timeout scenarios it is necessary
to ensure that there are no IOs pending to the LUN at the time of new LUN path addition. It
may be necessary to temporarily suspend application(s) using the LUN in order to stop all IOs
to LUN for the duration of the new LUN path addition.
EFI boot fails when connected to an Arbitrated Loop device
This applies to HP 8Gb and 4Gb Dual Port QLogic Mezzanine HBAs (part numbers
451871–B21 and 403619–B21). The solution is to set the HBA Connection Mode of the
adapter port to Loop Preferred, Otherwise Point to Point, by using the drvcfg
-s command at the EFI shell prompt:
To view the QLogic driver handle information, type Shell> drivers at the EFI shell
prompt; a list of drivers is displayed.
Write down the driver handle associated with the HP Fibre Channel Driver. The
first column, labeled DRV, lists the driver handles. There may be one or more driver
instances listed. Select the DRV corresponding to the adapter port connected to the
Arbitrated Loop device.
Enter the drvcfg
20 (your driver handle may be different): Shell> drvcfg 20. Take note of the controller
handle number inside the brackets, labeled as Ctlr[] .
Enter the drvcfg -s
Driver Configuration Main Menu will be displayed.
Under NVRAM Parameters section, press 1 to select Edit Adapter Settings
Press 7 to select the Connection Option.
Press 3 to select Loop Preferred, Otherwise Point to Point option.
Press 0 to go back to the previous menu.
Under Main Menu, press 11 to write the changes to the NVRAM.
10. Also under Main Menu, press 12 to quit and go back to the EFI shell.
The HP-UX 11iv3 AR1203 FibrChanl-01 (fcd) driver will display a warning message
on detecting loop topology for HP 8Gb and 4Gb Dual Port Qlogic Mezzanine HBAs (part
numbers 451871–B21 and 403619–B21). Refer to HP customer advisory c02985353 for
Some PCIe I/O backplanes do not support PCIe2 (5.0 GT/s) cards on slots 3 and 4
PCIe I/O backplanes with product number AD295A #200 on rx3600, AD296A #200 on
rx6600, and upgrade product number AD298A for both rx3600 and rx6600 Integrity servers,
Known problems and limitations
Matériel de réseau - HP-UX 11i v3 I/O Cards (305.22 kb)