Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
The workaround is to manually mount the installation CD. For
The following is returned:
example, if the CD was auto-mounted in /media/HpInstallx.x,
issue these commands to unmount and then re-mount the CD:
# unmount /media/HpInstallx.x
# mkdir -p /mnt/cdrom
c. To verify that the correct driver is loaded, issue the following
# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
If the unmount command fails with a busy warning, make sure that
# cat /proc/scsi/qla2xxx/* | grep "Driver version"
all applications and consoles that could be using the CD media are
The following is returned:
closed, and then try again.
Firmware version: 3.03.25 IPX
Driver version: 8.02.02-fop
2. Change directory to the linux directory. For example, if the
installation CD is mounted in /mnt/cdrom, issue the following
Congratulations! You have successfully installed
# cd /mnt/cdrom/HP_SSCM/linux/
your 8Gb Simple SAN Connection Kit hardware
3. Run the install_smb.sh script as follows:
and Simple SAN Connection Manager software.
# ./install_smb.sh
This will install the following components:
• QLogic FC HBA driver
• HP Array Configuration Utility
Using Simple SAN Connection
• QLogic SANsurfer agent, QLRemote (if possible, the
installation program will also start the SANsurfer agent,
To configure your storage system, use the Simple SAN Connection
4. If the following message appears at the end of the installation,
Manager software. This software is installed on your server only if
you must restart the computer; otherwise, continue with step 6:
you selected the Management Installation option in step 4 of Simple
SAN Connection Manager installation, page 3.
New driver and qlremote installed but not active.
For new driver and qlremote to be active either:
1. To launch the software, choose one of the following options:
Reboot the system (Mandatory in case of Boot from
• Click Start, point to All Programs > Hewlett-Packard > HP
StorageWorks Simple SAN Connection Manager, and then
click HP StorageWorks Simple SAN Connection Manager.
Stop all the applications using QLogic driver.
Unload QLogic driver by executing following
• Double-click the desktop shortcut:
# modprobe -r qla2xxx (ex. qla2300, qla2400)
Reload new driver by executing following command:
# modprobe -v qla2xxx
Start qlremote as follows:
# /etc/init.d/qlremote start
Rebooting the system will automatically load new
If this is the first time you have launched this software for a new,
driver and start qlremote.
uninitialized EVA subsystem or an unconfigured MSA subsystem,
the installer prompts you to configure it. For details, refer to the
5. The fabric device management interface (FDMI) enables the
“Get ing started” section of the HP StorageWorks Simple SAN
management of devices such as HBAs through the fabric. To
Connection Manager user guide, available online at
install the Linux driver with FDMI enabled (by default, FDMI is
disabled), issue the following command:
2. Wait while the application discovers (detects) switches, servers,
# modprobe -v qla2xxx ql2xfdmienable=1
storage subsystems, and logical disks. This may take a few
6. To verify that the installation is completed, check the FC HBA
driver version:
If the application detects a new, unconfigured switch in your
a. To ensure that the driver is installed in the correct location,
SAN, the New Switch Setup dialog box (Figure 14) opens. This
issue the following command:
dialog box guides you through set ing the switch IP address,
administrator password, and default zoning. For details, refer to
# modinfo qla2xxx
the “Getting started” section of the HP StorageWorks Simple
The following is returned:
SAN Connection Manager user guide.
If the switch is already configured, the New Switch Setup does
Filename: /lib/modules/ 2.6.18-8.ELsmp/kernel/
not appear.
Version: 8.02.03
b. To verify that the driver is loaded, issue the following
# lsmod | grep qla2xxx
Page 7
... Ce manuel est également adapté pour les modèles :
données dispositifs de traitement - HP 8/20q Fibre Channel Switch (1.94 mb)
données dispositifs de traitement - HP 8/20q Fibre Channel Switch/S-Buy (1.94 mb)
données dispositifs de traitement - HP 8Gb Simple SAN Connection Kit (1.94 mb)
données dispositifs de traitement - HP 8Gb Simple SAN Connection Kit/S-Buy (1.94 mb)