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Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
HP Archive Backup System
SPD 48.16.29
for OpenVMS, Version 4.4B
• Compatibility with RMU/BACKUP and RMU/RESTORE,
• Integration with the Remote Device Facility (RDF).
allowing backup and restore operations of Oracle
Rdb V7.0-6, V7.0-6.1, V7.0-9, V7.1.0.4, and V7.2
The RDF software is included within the media man-
agement software. RDF allows the media manager
to access a tape from other OpenVMS nodes across
• Rdb V7.2 is qualified as well as ported on OpenVMS
the DECnet or DECnet-Plus network for ABS backup
V8.2-1 or later on Integrity servers. Rdb V7.2 is qual-
and archive operations.
ified on OpenVMS V8.2 or later on Alpha.
RDF makes access to remote tape drives invisible to
• ABS provides "System Backup to Tape" (SBT) fea-
ABS backup and archive operations by issuing com-
ture for Oracle 9i (, Oracle 9i R2 (,
mands as appropriate when a designated tape drive
Oracle 10g R1 ( and Oracle 10g R2
is considered remote. The media manager also man-
( database users, RMAN database users.
ages volume load requests to remote systems for
RMAN must be configured and working prior to SBT
allowing unattended backups or for communicating
implementation. Feature is Alpha oriented. ABS has
with a console operator. The media manager makes
qualifed SBT to work on jukeboxes, stand-alone and
no direct use of the remote disk capabilities within
stacker tape devices.
• Fast tape positioning.
RDF includes the following capabilities:
• Utilizes OpenVMS ODS-2 and ODS-5 disk volumes
as provided by OpenVMS.
– RDF servers that execute tape I/O requests on
behalf of a remote client. Servers are located on
• Layers upon a robust and fully tested media man-
systems that have tape drives attached or that
ager that provides the following important media and
can access drives through the OpenVMS TMSCP
device management capabilities:
– Effective use of all media capacity by appending
– RDF clients that provide the communications in-
multiple save sets of backed up or archived files
terface between applications reading or writing
to the same volume or volume set
data to a tape drive and the RDF servers.
– Direct positioning to the start of each save set file
during a restore operation using saved information
RDF is only qualified when it is being called by ABS.
about the tape position of each save set file.
RDF included with ABS is not intended to be run as a
stand alone application. RDF as a stand alone applica-
– Customization features to meet a variety of oper-
tion is provided by Computer Associates.
ational and site requirements.
– Qualified for unattended backup operations using
RDF V4.3I is supported on ABS/MDMS V4.4B.
automatic tape cartridge loaders; generic device
recognition of some StorageTek. automated car-
tridge server
– Media life cycle control including maintenance of
To qualify a variety of configuration requirements, the
volume retention period, availability status, loca-
following ABS license options are available:
tion, and scheduling dates when volumes are to
move offsite and return.
• ABS for OpenVMS Integrity servers or Alpha: Pre
– Maintenance of counters for each volume, noting
4.X should now be referenced as ABS/MDMS server
the number of times a volume has been mounted
due to policy database functionality in MDMS for
and the number of errors associated with the vol-
V4.X. No changes to license needed.
• ABS Client for OpenVMS Integrity servers or Al-
– Media allocation control based on customer-
pha: Pre 4.X should now be referenced as ABS
defined media pools.
/MDMS client due to policy database functionality in
MDMS for V4.X. No changes to license needed.
– Built-in report generation and custom report gen-
eration capability.
• Windows Client: This is an optional purchase that
– Security features to prevent unauthorized media
enables you to add Windows client nodes to your
or device use.
ABS operational environment.
– In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, automatic
• Tru64 UNIX Client: This is an optional purchase that
failure recovery from the loss of a processor to
enables you to add Tru64 UNIX client nodes to your
allow continuous access to the media databases.
ABS operational environment.