Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
• All EVA 4000/6000/8000 storage systems must be running only one version of XCS (5.100
or later).
• If you need to update both VCS and XCS, do not attempt to upgrade both simultaneously.
Complete the upgrade of one family of firmware before upgrading the other.
• Suspend DR group replication for the duration of the upgrade process on the destination, even if
the intersite links are not available.
A codeload of one controller forces both controllers on a storage system to reboot. If the controller
being upgraded is used as a destination for replication I/O, the source controller logs new I/O while
the destination controller reboots. Complete the firmware upgrade of the destination and then resume
the replication to allow the controllers to merge. Wait for the merge to conclude after a code load or
wait three minutes, whichever is longer, before performing the code load on any other storage system in
the relationship.
Disk Resource Pending Timeout for Microsoft Windows cluster configurations
If the disk resource count is greater than 8, HP recommends increasing the Pending Timeout parameter
for each disk resource from 180 seconds to 360 seconds. Increasing the timeout value helps maintain
continuous operation of disk resources across SAN perturbations.
To view and set the Pending Timeout parameter:
1. Open the Microsoft Cluster Administrator.
2. Select a disk group resource in the left pane.
3. Right click each disk resource in right pane, one at a time, and select Properties.
4. Select the Advanced tab from the Properties menu.
5. Locate the Pending Timeout value and change it to 360.
6. Click OK.
HP Command View EVAPerf does not display virtual disk and disk group
after upgrading
HP Command View EVAPerf issue exists when upgrading an EVA3000 or EVA5000 from VCS 3.x to
VCS 4.x. Following the upgrade, HP Command View EVAPerf wil not be able to display VD (virtual disk)
and VDG (Virtual Disk Group) statistics when HP Command View EVAPerf is run on a Windows host with
LUN presentations from the storage system. The situation occurs because VCS does not change the SCSI
inquiry string when firmware detects that the storage system has LUNs presented to that Windows host.
This situation does not occur on a new EVA3000 or EVA5000 running VCS 4.007, or a 3.x storage
system that is uninitialized before it is upgraded.
The following technique can be used to avoid this situation:
• Ensure that HP Command View EVAPerf is run on a host that never had LUN presentations from
the storage system. Typical y, HP Command View EVAPerf is run on a management server which
will not have I/Os to the storage system. In this configuration, the management server does not
have any LUNs presented to it and this issue will not occur.
Ensure the latest connectivity requirements are met
Detailed system specifications for each supported operating system are included in a series of
Connectivity instal ation and reference guides and associated Connectivity release notes. You can
download the information necessary for your operating environment at the appropriate website:
ht p://h18006.www1.hp.com/storage/disk_storage/index.html