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BB877-90901 StoreOnce 2700 Backup Eng back.pdf 1 20/06/2013 15:34
Further information about networks
NOTE: The HP StoreOnce Backup system does not support the IPv6 protocol.
7 Troubleshooting and other sources of
The physical network ports provide three network configuration modes.
For troubleshooting information, refer to the guides on the HP StoreOnce Backup system
• Single Port Configuration: The HP StoreOnce Backup system is connected to one
CD. These guides also contain reference information about iSCSI andRAID. If you cannot
network; only one network port is used (Port 1).
resolve problems, contact HP Support at www.hp.com/support.
• Multiple subnet Configuration: The HP StoreOnce Backup system is connected to
For the latest information about computer, OS and software compatibility, see
different networks. Two or more network ports are used.
• High Availability (Bonded) Configuration: Multiple network ports are used, but the
The following documents are available:
ports are bonded to provide port failover. This mode can also provide load balancing
across network ports.
• HP StoreOnce Backup User Guide (PDF): This guide describes how to use the Web
Management Console. It is also available as online help.
The default network configuration is single port with DHCP enabled. This can be amended
• HP StoreOnce CLI Reference Guide (PDF): This guide describes the StoreOnce CLI
after installation using StoreOnce CLI net config commands.
commands and how to use them.
If multiple subnet configuration is required, the networks must be on different sub-nets.
StoreOnce CLI Management Console
• HP StoreOnce Backup Installation and Configuration Guide (PDF): This guide
describes how to install and carry out the initial configuration of your HP StoreOnce
The High Availability mode is the recommended option, because it provides port failover,
The StoreOnce Command Line Interface (CLI) provides an alternative way of administering
Backup system.
but bonded network ports must be connected to the same switch and the switch must
and monitoring the system. Some tasks, such as network and storage configuration, can
be carried out only from the StoreOnce CLI.
Linux and UNIX Configuration Guide (PDF): This guide contains information about
support port bonding.
configuring and using HP StoreOnce Backup systems with Linux and UNIX.
Three bonding modes are available: Mode 1, Mode 4 and Mode 6. Take care to choose
StoreOnce CLI commands must be run from an SSH terminal session and require an SSH
• StoreOnce Best Practices for VTL, NAS, StoreOnce Catalyst and Replication
the network bonding mode appropriate for your network environment and switch
client application (freely available from the internet) running on the management console.
implementations: This guide describes best practices and also include examples using
different backup applications.
See the HP StoreOnce CLI Reference Guide for more information.
For further information please refer to the Installation and Configuration Guide and the
You can find these documents from the Manuals page of the HP Business Support Center
HP StoreOnce CLI Reference Guide on the CD.
Accessing the StoreOnce Web Management Console
website: http://www.hp.com/support/manuals.
If DHCP is enabled on your network, simply connect to the Web Management Console
or StoreOnce CLI from any machine connected to the network using the default host
In the Storage section, click Storage Solutions and then select your product.
name printed on the top of the appliance. Enter your user name and password.
Web: https:
Power On
StoreOnce CLI: ssh
If DHCP is not enabled on your network, connect a console to the monitor and keyboard
1. Power on the HP StoreOnce Backup system (the power but on is on the front of the unit).
ports on the rear of the appliance and log in to the StoreOnce CLI to configure the
2. As long as DHCP is enabled on the network, the appliance should now be accessible
appliance on the network. See the HP StoreOnce Installation and Configuration Guide
across the network. If it is not enabled, you must use StoreOnce CLI commands to
for more information.
configure the appliance on the network.
NOTE: If you will be configuring Virtual Tape Library devices as backup targets,
Front Panel
install all the required Tape drivers on backup servers and ensure the backup server
is running software that supports HP Tape libraries. Tape drivers can be found on the
StoreOnce Backup CD. Drivers are not needed for NAS Share and Catalyst Store
backup targets.
1 Power button
Understanding the LEDs
Power Off
To power off your HP StoreOnce Backup system always use the StoreOnce CLI commands,
as described in the HP StoreOnce CLI Reference Guide on the HP StoreOnce Backup CD.
NOTE: When installing/replacing a hot-plug device, it is not necessary to power
down the units.
6 Using the HP StoreOnce Backup system
UID but on LED
Off = deactivated
User accounts and passwords
Steady blue = active
Flashing blue = remote management or firmware
Two types of user account are set up automatically when the system is installed:
upgrade in progress
• Administrator: Allows authorized users to create and edit management and
Power but on LED
Off = no power connected
StoreOnce functions. They can also create and manage users. User name = Admin;
Steady green = power connected, device ready for use
password = admin.
Flashing green = performing power on sequence
• Operator: Provides limited access for monitoring and viewing. User name = Operator;
Steady amber = device switched off or in hibernation
password = operator.
with power connected
Names and passwords are case sensitive.
System health LED
Steady green = normal operation
Accessing the HP StoreOnce Backup system
Flashing amber = degraded condition
Flashing red = critical condition
The StoreOnce CLI Management Console is the main interface for:
NIC status LED
Off = no network connection or network not
• Monitoring the status and health of the HP StoreOnce Backup system and all
configured backup devices
Steady green = network connected
• Creating and modifying VTL and NAS StoreOnce backup targets and Catalyst stores
Flashing green = network activity
• Managing replication relationships and housekeeping