Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
If the camera supports the EN-EL3e battery info feature, battery life can also be determined by checking the battery info display (see the camera manual for details). Pur chase a new EN-EL3e bat tery when indicated. • If the battery will not be used for some time, insert it in the camera and run it fl at before removing it for storage. • If the battery is kept in storage for a long pe ri od, charge the battery and then use the camera to run it fl at again at least once a year. • Always remove the battery from the camera or battery charger when it is not be ing used. Left installed, minute amounts of current fl ow even when un used, and the battery may be come ex ces sive ly drained and no longer func tion. • Attach the terminal cover and store in a cool place. * The battery should be stored in a dry lo ca tion with an ambient temperature of 15–25 °C (59–77 °F). * Do not leave the battery in hot or extreme ly cold plac es. • Should the battery terminals become dirty, wipe them off with a clean, dry cloth before use. • Should you notice smoke or an unusual smell coming from the charger, unplug it, taking care to avoid burns. Take the charger to a Nikon representative for inspection. WARNINGS • The EN-EL3e is a rechargeable battery for use only with the Nikon digital cam era. • When recharging the EN-EL3e, use only the MH-18a/MH-18 Quick Charger or the MH-19 Multi Charger. • Do not expose the battery to heat or flame. • Do not attempt to disassemble or modify the battery. • Do not short the positive and neg a tive bat tery terminals with a metal object such as a necklace or keys. Failure to follow these instructions could cause the bat tery to leak corrosive liq uids, over heat, ex plode, or cause other dam age to the bat tery. Safety Precautions To ensure proper operation, read this manual thoroughly before using this product. After reading, be sure to keep it where it will be read by all those who use the product. ........: .................... ........ Holographic seal: Identifi es this device as an authentic Nikon product. Holografischer Siegel: Identifiziert dieses Gerat als ein authentisches Nikon- Produkt. Scelle holographique: Identifi e cet appareil en tant que produit Nikon authentique. Sello holografi co: Identifi car a este dispositivo como un autentico producto Nikon. Holografi skt sigill: Identifi erar denna enhet som en autentisk Nikon-produkt. Голографический знак: подтверждает, что устройство является изделием компании Nikon. Holografi sche verzegeling: Dit geeft aan dat dit product een origineel product van Nikon is. Selo holografi co: Identifi ca o dispositivo como um produto Nikon autentico. Sigillo olografi co: Identifi ca che questo dispositivo e un prodotto Nikon originale. ........ .. .............................. ........ .. ................................ ....... : .................................. ... Specififi cations Type: Rechargeable lithium-ion bat tery Rated capacity: 7.4 V/1500 mAh Operating temperature: 0 – +40 °C (+32–104 °F) Dimensions: Approximately 39.5 (W) .21 (D) . 56 (H) mm (1.6 . 0.8 . 2.2 in.) Weight: Approximately 80 g (2.8 oz), excluding terminal cover Improvements to this product may result in un an nounced chang es to specifi cations and external ap pear ance. The EN-EL3e is a rechargeable battery for use ex clu sive ly with Nikon digital cameras. It can be re charged re peat ed ly using an MH-18a or MH-18 Quick Charg er or a MH-19 Multi Charger. When us ing this prod uct, be sure to read the doc u men ta tion pro vid ed with your digital cam era to both confi rm that this prod uct is for use with your cam era, and to ensure cor rect usage of the prod uct. EN-EL3e Batteries EN-EL3e rechargeable Li-ion batteries are equipped to supply compatible devices with a variety of information, including battery life and the number of shots taken since the battery was last charged. Caracteristiques Type : Accumulateur re char gea ble au Li-ion Capacite : 7,4 V/1500 mAh Temperature d’exploitation : 0 – +40 °C Dimensions : 39,5 (L) . 21 (I) . 56 (H) mm environ Poids : 80 g environ, sans le cache-contact Ce produit peut faire l’objet d’une amelioration pou vant resulter dans des modifi cations des ca rac te ris ti ques et de l’apparence externe du produit, et ce sans avis prealable de la part du fabricant. Beachten Sie, dass Akkus vom Typ EN-EL3e zwar in Geraten verwendet werden konnen, die Akkus vom Typ EN-EL3 oder EN-EL3a unterstutzen, bei diesen Geraten werden jedoch nur die Akkukapazitat und keine weiteren der oben beschriebenen Informationen angezeigt. Sicherheitshinweise Bitte lesen Sie diese Sicherheitshinweise aufmerksam durch, bevor Sie Ihr Nikon-Produkt in Betrieb nehmen, um Schaden am Produkt zu vermeiden. Halten Sie diese Sicherheitshinweise fur alle Personen griff bereit, die dieses Produkt benutzen werden. Akkus EN-EL3e Durch die Verwendung der Nikon-Lithium- Ionen-Akkus EN-EL3e konnen kompatible Gerate eine Vielzahl an Informationen, wie zur Akkukapazitat oder...