19. Attach wire 811/BR from CR3-B to CR4-B. 20. Attach wire 843/BR from CR4-B to OR-B. 21. Attach wire 841/BR from OR-B to TB12-C. 22. Attach wire 800/GY from MR-A to TB12-G. 23. Attach wire 801/Y from CR1-A to TB12-Y1. 24. Attach wire 802/O from CR2-A to TB12-Y2. 25. Attach wire 803/PR from CR3-A to TB12-Y3. 26. Attach wire 821/GY from CR4-A to TB12-Y4. 27. Attach wire 809/PR from TB12-A1 to OR-A. 28. Attach wire 240/Y from CR1-5 to LOR1-1-7 . 29. Attach wire 244/O from CR2-5 to LOR1-2-9. 30. A

DESCRIPTION 1 373-18641-653 201/R 816/R 252/R 1 373-18641-654 257/Y 817/Y 818/Y 819/Y 1 373-18641-655 307/O 318/O 828/O 1 373-18641-658 842/BR 814/BR 813/BR 812/BR 811/BR 843/BR 841/BR 1 AB008RED7171230 230/R 1 AB024ORN7171244 244/O 1 AB027GRA7171248 248/GY 1 AB020RED5471250 250/R 1 AB022GRA7171800 800/GY 1 AB007YEL7171801 801/Y 1 AB007ORN7171802 802/O 1 AB009PRP7171803 803/PR 1 AB016PRP7171809 809/PR 1 AB012GRA7171821 821/GY 1 AB018BRN7171836 836/BR 1 AB126RED711L837 837/R 1 AB027PRP7171839 839

10. Using the four drill screws secure the back plate to the box-electric. 11. Locate the packet of wires marked with “No Economizer”. 12. Attach thermostat wires to new location TB12 (See Figure 3). NOTE: For the following steps (13-34) see Figures 5, and 6 respectively. 13. Attach wire 230/R from 8T-7 to TB12-R . 14. Attach wire 836/BR from TB2 to 8T-6. 15. Attach wire 842/BR from 8T-6 to MR-B. 16. Attach wire 814/BR from MR-B to CR1-B. 17. Attach wire 813/BR from CR1-B to CR2-B. 18. Attach wi

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 CV UNITS W/O ECONOMIZER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 UNITS W/O ECONO & OPT GAS OR ELEC HEAT . . . . 5 CV UNITS WITH ECONOMIZER . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 CV UNITS W/ ECONOMIZER & OPTIONAL HEAT . . . 11 LIST OF FIGURES 1 POWER & CONTROL WIRING LOCATION . . . . . . . . . 3 2 EXISTING CTRL PANEL COMPONET LOC . . . . . . . . . 3 3 TYPICAL THERMOSTAT WIRING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 NEW LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL COMPONETS . . . . . 4

See Table 4 for complete listing of wires in the CV with Economizer Package. 2. See Table 2 for complete listing of wires in the CV without Economizer Package 3. See Tables 3 and 5 for complete listing of wires in the CV unit with heat package TABLE 2: PARTS SUPPLIED FOR CV UNITS W/O ECONOMIZER1 QTY PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 373-18641-653 201/R 816/R 252/R 1 373-18641-654 257/Y 817/Y 818/Y 819/Y 1 373-18641-659 842/BR 814/BR 813/BR 812/BR 834/BR 835/BR 1 AB008RED7171230 230/R 1 AB024YEL5471240 240/

Refer to Figure 12, "Controller Functionality" , on page 10 for more information. • Press and hold the Calibration Button to Calibrate and access Main Menu. • Briefly press to make a selection (select YES? ). WARNING: Opening the Controller’s Housing should be avoided when the presence of gas is possible ( when in a hazardous environment) . Do not power up the system, with the Housing removed, unless the area has been de- classified. MLP-A/AR/ST1400-25 Net Safety Monitoring Inc Magnetic Reed Swi

Net Safety Monitoring Inc., assumes no responsibility for any errors contained within this manual. If the products or procedures are used for purposes other than as described in the manual, without receiving prior confirmation of validity or suitability, Net Safety Monitoring Inc. , does not guarantee the results and assumes no obligation or liability. No part of this manual may be copied, disseminated or distributed without the express written consent of Net Safety Monitoring Inc. Net Safety Mo