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Air Conditioning & Heating Product Specifications MERV 10 Rated Efficiency Standard Features • Environmentally safe — does not produce hazardous ozone or positive ions • Fits easily into any one-inch filter opening • Quiet operation • Fully electronic, reliable, high-efficiency carbongraphite center screen removes small particles • Efficiency increases as air cleaner operates • Designed to operate with constant power or with the system's fan to permit reliable, long-term performance •

PDG LOWER SERVICE PANEL (M2, M3) NS 0151R00021 VALVE, TXV R-410A (M3) 51 1722083PDG UPPER ACCESS PANEL (M1) NS 0259A00011 WIRE HARNESS 51 1722084PDG UPPER ACCESS PANEL (M2, M3) Expanded Model Nomenclature 61 1722087PDG FILTER COVER LRG (M2, M3) M1 - AVPTC183014AA 61 1722086PDG FILTER COVER MED (M1) M2 - AVPTC313714AA 81 764741F BLOWER BLOCK-OFF 10 X 10 (M2, M3) M3 - AVPTC426014AA 81 764734F BLOWER CUT-OFF (M1) 91 1439392S BLOWER HOUSING 9 X 8 (M1) 91 0271A00016S BLOWER HOUSI

contact: Consumer Affairs Department Goodman Manufacturing Company, L.P. 7401 Security Way Houston, Texas 77040 877-254-4729-Telephone 713-863-2382-Facsimile For assistance outside the U.S.A. contact International Division Goodman Manufactu ring Company, L.P. 7401 Security Way Houston, Texas 77040 713-861-2500-Telephone 713-863-2382-Facsimile .2. RP-566 Functional Parts Part No: Description: 0131M00111S MOTOR 1/2 HP, SERIAL ECM (M1) 0259A00009 MOTOR CONTROL HARNESS 0131M00113S MOT

contact: Consumer Affairs Department Goodman Manufacturing Company, L.P. 7401 Security Way Houston, Texas 77040 877-254-4729-Telephone 713-863-2382-Facsimile For assistance outside the U.S.A. contact International Division Goodman Manufactu ring Company, L.P. 7401 Security Way Houston, Texas 77040 713-861-2500-Telephone 713-863-2382-Facsimile .2. RP-566 Functional Parts Part No: Description: 0131M00111S MOTOR 1/2 HP, SERIAL ECM (M1) 0259A00009 MOTOR CONTROL HARNESS 0131M00113S MOT

The HEPA air cleaner connects to the return air duct and diverts % to V2 of this dirty air through a tightly sealed three-stage filtration system. A home can reach as many as 67 whole-house air changes per day, depending on the house size and model chosen. When a Goodman® brand high-efficiency air cleaner is added to the return air, the home can achieve 96-120 whole-house air changes per day (with system fan on continuously). No other HEPA air cleaner, Turbulent Flow Precipitator (TFP) or HEPA

Al< CLEANER GDMHEPA Model Standard Features • Certified true HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter is 99.97% efficient at removing particles down to 0.3 micron • Activated carbon pre-filter removes lint and unpleasant odors to extend life of HEPA filter • Carbon VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) filter removes additional odors and gases (included with Model GHEPA 550) • Motor delivers between 245 to 560 CFM of filtered air, depending on the model (with filters installed) • Removes

The GSAS series helps protect and prolong the operating efficiency of the heating and cooling equipment. Standard Features • Pre-filters (2) constructed of aluminum mesh to prevent lint and large particles from entering the collecting cells • Collecting cells (2) constructed of heavy-gauge aluminum for durability and ease of maintenance • Activated carbon filters help remove unpleasant odors • Air-proving switch cycles air cleaner on/off with system fan • ON/OFF switch light indicates powe

MBVC BLOWER SPECIFICATIONS H (3) KNOCKOUTS1.125 1.375 1.750 .875 KNOCKOUT (2 PLACES) 6 1/2 5 5 1/8 3 1/4 D W MBVC1200/1600/2000 MODEL Physical Information Dimensions, inches (mm) Shipping Weight lbs.(kg) Blower Wheel (D x W) Blower Motor (HP) MCA1 MOP1 W H D MBVC1200 10X8 1/2 4.3 15 17. (445) 26 (660) 21 (533) 72 (32.6) MBVC1600 10X8 3/4 6.3 15 21 (533) 30 (762) 21 (533) 82 (37.2) MBVC2000 11X10 3/4 5.8 15 24. (622) 30 (762) 21 (533) 94 (42.6) Minimum Circuit Ampacity (MCA) and Maximum Overcurre

POWER SUPPLY IS 220-240 V, 60 HZ, 1 PHASE Installation Before installing this appliance insure that it is properly sized and adequate power is available. This appliance can be installed in the vertical position without modification. The horizontal left and downflow positions require product modification and instructions for these field conversions can be found in the AVPTC installation instruction manual. This product is designed for zero inches (0 inches) clearance; however, adequate access for