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E .... 8 ................................... 3 USER INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE & MAINTENANCE We have made every effort to ensure that the information given in this catalogue is accurate, but our policy of continuous product development means specifications are likely to change and such information is for guidance only. Martindale will not accept liability for any loss, damage or consequential loss arising from information contained herein. Your statutory rights will not be affected. Be

1. WARNINGS If these instructions are not followed or the unit is used incorrectly the system may not offer protection to EN12941/42 or EN 146. Power units offer NO protection unless a main filter(s) is fitted. In a power off situation the headpiece offers no respiratory protection and rapid CO2 build-up and oxygen depletion may also result. This is an abnormal situation. Power off is an abnormal situation regardless of whether a full hood, half suit or mask is used. At high work rates the press

Warnings and precautions To ensure that your air flow indicator is maintained to give its optimum accuracy, the following precautions must be adopted: - • When not in use, the indicator must be stored in conditions to prevent physical damage. • When not in use, the indicator must be stored in conditions +5 to 35 degrees C @Rh<90%. • When not in use, the indicator must be stored away from direct sunlight. • The indicator must be kept clean and free from any contamination. • No adjustments, altera

GAS CANISTER The Canisters(s) must be changed at regular intervals as determined by a competent person or when any breakthrough of contaminate is detected by smell or taste. We recommend the following MAXIMUM environmental contamination levels for filters as defined by EN 12941/2. Class 1 Gas/Dust filters (e.g. M09A1/P2) = 500 ppm 200mg/m3 Class 2 Gas canisters (e.g. M23A2) = 1000ppm N/A Class 2 Gas combination/Dust canisters (e.g. M23 A2B2/P3) = 1000ppm 100mg/m3 Dust filters TH2P (e.g. M23P2/5)