3 The 3-digit code number blinks in order. Example: If you enter '105' 1. 1: Indicator blinks once. 2. 0: Indicator blinks tenth. 3. 5: Indicator blinks fifth. - 33 Programming the Remote VCR Brand List Brand CODE No. AKAI 033 042 022 052 032 ALBA 008 020 AMSTRAD 011 ANITSCH 009 ARC EN CIEL 042 056 052 ARISTONA 045 031 ASA 018 AWIA 011 042 BAIRD 042 033 BAUER. BOSCH 014 043 BLAUPUNKT 014 043 055 031 054 040 BRANDT ELECTRONIQUE 042 056 052 BRIONVEGA 041 BUSH 008 020 C.EDISON 041 CANON 014 CAPEHAR