
Faria Instruments IS0246

Téléchargements : 7 Taille : 1 mb    Fabricant : Faria Instruments  
Catégorie : équipement pour bateaux

A ecr# 6875 4/2007 Owner’s Manual Red (Air Temp Sig) White (Water Temp Sig) Purple(+) Black (-) White (Sensor Signal) Black & Shield (Ground) White (Sensor Signal) Black & Shield (Ground) FARIAFARIABlack (Signal ground) Black (Signal ground) Air Temp. SensorWater Temp. SensorGreen (SW Down) Grey (SW UP) Blue (SW Mode) Red (Air Temp Sig) Purple(+) White (Sensor Signal) White (Sensor Signal) Black & Shield (Ground) FARIAAir Temp. SensorGreen (SW Down) Grey (SW UP) Blue (SW Mode) White (Water Temp

Faria Instruments Antares IS0250a

Téléchargements : 77 Taille : 7 mb    Fabricant : Faria Instruments  
Catégorie : Sounders

This owner’s manual contains very important information regarding the installation, setup, and operation of your Antares. To get the best results in operation and performance please take a few minutes to read this manual and get acquainted with the Faria Antares unit. B1: Escape Button IMAGE 1.1 B5: Power Button B4: Radio Button (optional) B2: Navigation Pad (Up, Down, Left, Right Arrows) B3: Enter Button Screen Indicator Bar To begin, simply press the button to turn on your Antares. It will tak
